How to Check People out Without Them Noticing.

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( Most of us check people out. Someone catches our eye and we think they are really beautiful. However, you can’t simply stare at someone, no matter how beautiful you may perceive them to be! So how do you check someone out in an inconspicuous manner?

Check People Out in a Hidden Way

First of all, you need to hide your gaze. Shift what you’re look at so it isn’t obvious. You can also wear dark sunglasses so it is more difficult to see what you really are looking at. Also, distance is important. If you are far enough away from someone, it becomes more difficult for them to see whether you’re actually staring at them or at something ahead or behind them. Remember to use your peripheral vision as much as possible as well, which is also good exercise for your eyes. And be quick, if they do notice you looking, you will be halfway towards looking away again.

Check People out Through Misdirection

If you have a book or newspaper, you can pretend that you read it or that you review a certain section, simply lifting your gaze every once in a while to look at the person you’re interested in. Similarly, if you notice that the individual is occupied with something else, you can check them out unseen. You can even try to create a distraction, such as dropping something on the floor or asking for their opinion on something near you. Last but not least, you can come up with something that is around that individual that is the reason for you being there. Working together on a project in school, viewing works of art, identifying a scam and requesting a refund, or cooling down your feet in a stream are just some examples.

Check People out Respectfully

It is incredibly important that you never make someone feel uncomfortable. It is fine to check someone out that you’re attracted to, but you should never turn into a creep and make them feel uncomfortable. Doing so will never attract them to you either. If they do catch you staring, then apologize. This is your last chance to get them to notice you as well. You can also decide to just grab the bull by the horns and introduce yourself. People like to receive compliments and to get noticed. However, avoid cheesy pickup lines.

Remember, as well, to make eye contact. That is a grand gesture that can be reciprocated. If you are a man checking out a woman, it is particularly important that you look at her face and eyes and not at any other body part; women have had just about enough of that. And do also remember that if you’re out with your own significant other, you shouldn’t be checking people out. Again, that is massively disrespectful and will rightly get you into a great deal of trouble.

Last but not least, if you happen to hear the name of the person you were checking out, you can find them online and see who they really are. Just type their name into Google and perhaps in the BBB to see what comes up.

Staff Writer; Gary Jackson