4 Ways to Deal with A Mid-Life Crisis.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Everyone at some point of his or her existence goes through something called a mid-life crisis. It hits individuals at different times and ages. A mid-life crisis can be the result of many things; a change in family structure, the loss of a loved one or job, or the realization of missed opportunities. Regardless of the reason for your sudden life panic attack, it can be a tough thing to deal with for anyone; especially men.

I know that you’ve heard of or known someone that has gone through a mid-life crisis. Maybe you’ve even gone through one yourself. They don’t have the best reps because many times there are some pretty brash decisions made during this time. Nonetheless, it happens as a part of our travel through this world, but going through a mid-life crisis doesn’t have to be a train wreck.

Here are some ways to get through a mid-life crisis.

Think About Things

One of the characteristics of a mid-life crisis is the impulsivity in decision-making. People have done everything from leaving their spouse of 20-plus years and buying a motorcycle to getting a weird piercing and buying a luxury sports car. Before you get the urge to splurge or worse, think about what you are doing first. It may sound simple, but it doesn’t always happen that way.

Be Aware of the Signs
If you are in your late 30s early 40s, just know that this is around the time when a lot of men have their mid-life crisis situations. Knowing the signs or that you are in that age frame can help you better cope with urges or desires that suddenly hit you. Also, pay attention to your moods, your tastes, and even your interest in things like relationships and friendships.

Understand You Have Time
Another thing that marks the beginning of a mid-life crisis in men is the feeling that time is running out. This notion will cause you to make major changes in a short period of time. Often these changes are drastic and without much thought. Baring that you aren’t hit with a terminal illness or some other horrible fate, understand that you do still have time. Make a plan and use some follow through methods to do the things you fear are out of your reach because of your age.

Be Optimistic

No matter how you are feeling during this time, try to combat any ill feelings with optimism. Another marking of this time in your life is a tendency to look at the negative. Again, doing this can cause you to forget the good things in your life and that can start a snowball effect that is very damaging. When you are uncertain about things, counter those emotions with positivity. Be an optimist.

A mid-life crisis doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can use the new found energy to affect some amazing and life altering change for the good. These suggestions can seem easier said than done when in the heat of the moment, but I am a firm believer in being prepared. If you know what to expect you can better handle situations when they come your way.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah