Building a tribe of Instagram followers online.

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( Instagram is all about engagement. Adding a follower count without considering involvement is the same as not having any followers for Instagram at all. What makes some people lag behind is because they concentrate more on how they can get more followers instead of focusing on how they can engage with their existing followers. Some go to the extent of buying Instagram followers through Gramista. Interacting with followers builds trust in them and so that they can give you support at all times. The strategies below will help you make a tribe of Instagram followers online.

Specific content marketing strategy

You need first to understand who you want to target with your content. Figure out what their mindset is like so that you can find the most appropriate content for them. Target a particular niche when delivering content to increase sales for your business. By concentrating on a specific audience on Instagram, your content will look unique and appeal to those it is intended for. Plan what you intend to share with your audience. Jot down your content in point form before posting so that when you do, it sounds clear and coherent.

Use images targeting a particular audience

Most people on Instagram interact through images. Do some research and establish what kind of pictures your target audience is expecting. This helps you publish photos that inspire and add value to your followers. Images that inspire an audience open you to a world of opportunities. Use striking images and videos that make an audience happy and lively. You can also accompany your images with quotes that motivate an audience.

Statistics show that bright images create 24% more likes than dark images. The texture of your pictures too determines the quality of your photos. Avoid using a smooth texture for your images because they don’t attract many followers. Personal photos that followers can resonate with are much better than professional images. Such engage an audience more as they create a feeling of friendship among followers. Even if you are advertising images for your company, let the photo tell more about your personality without bringing out an extremely professional look since social media is more about fun.

Engaging with the community online

To help your business grow and have more followers, you need to reach out to the Instagram community. Ensure that you take some time off your account liking pictures of other people. This triggers interest in a person and makes them curious to view your feed. You may get up to 10 follows from liking others people’s images.

Create a discussion with your followers by leaving genuine comments on their pictures as you ask about what they like more. Commenting creates a link to your username giving room for more followers to discover you. Follow famous people that you admire online. Learn about the structures that they use different from the rest that make them stand out. There is so much you can learn from others.

Post regularly

Staying consistent in your posting creates eagerness in a followers’ mind. Posting excellent content at least once every day makes your followers know that they are receiving up to date information. Come up with a schedule on how to display your content consistently and so that you can trigger the interest of more followers to join your team.

Working with your audience

As you interact with them, encourage them to carry out specific duties for you. We all love gifts, right? As your team grows, engage them by letting them participate in contests which come with incentives. For instance, you can encourage them to post a picture on their respective accounts and give rewards to the recipient that comes up with the best image. Use quotes and encourage your followers to tag their friends who can relate to your posts.

Talk to your most loyal followers to help you share your content with other people. Let them share messages in their style that their followers can identify with. Encourage them to tag you as they share your content with others so that others can know about you and start following you.

Shout out method

Get someone with an Instagram account that you can collaborate with to help you improve your engagement levels through shoutouts. Even if this might cost you some charges, an account that you share similar interest can run a sponsored post for you to increase popularity through giving you shoutouts once in a while.

Creating Ads

The Facebook ad manager is a platform designed by Facebook to help you progress through creating ads. To make your brand known, choose brand awareness option on the platform. Only select the Instagram options to avoid your ads running in other placement options. If you are using high-quality content, this platform will help your account grow and generate sales.


Research more and discover which hashtags will work best for your niche. Studies show that people with the most followers on Instagram use at least 11 relevant hashtags in their posts. Competitor brands will help you know which brands are best for your target audience. Come up with a list of inspiring hashtags and accompany your images with hashtags for more people to find you.


Creating a tribe is all about trust. Be dedicated to your followers and stay loyal to them. Ensure that you tag your followers in pictures to make them feel that they belong. Establish lasting relationships with your team by coming up with giveaways to show your appreciation with them. Such tactics build trust in people so that they can always have your back.

Final thoughts

Just as Rome was not built in a day, establishing a tribe of Instagram followers takes time and commitment. Turning strangers into online friends requires constant interaction so that people can genuinely feel the love. Take criticism from haters positively and use the negative comments to improve your mistakes. Get inspired by your competitors online and use the strategies above to create a unique content that tells others about your personality. People need to connect with the real you so that you can finally build your tribe of Instagram followers online.

Staff Writer; Larry Washington