The Importance of Testosterone Therapy for Women.

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(ThyBlackMan.comTestosterone is a kind of sex-related hormone called an androgen, which is often thought of as a ‘male hormone’. But women also have this hormone, albeit in small quantities. The hormone is produced in the ovaries and released in the bloodstream. It plays an important role in the reproductive cycle of women and overall health.

Low testosterone levels can lead to various psychological and physiological side effects. This is particularly a problem in aging women as the testosterone level decreases with age.

Fortunately, testosterone therapy is available that can help restore the hormone. This helps eliminate the negative side effects associated with low hormone levels. In this post, you will learn about some the benefits of the therapy for women suffering from low testosterone levels.

1. Restores Sexual Drive

Women experience a decrease in their sexual drive due to a dip in testosterone levels. This usually occurs after menopause. Testosterone therapy restores the sex drive in women by increasing the level of testosterone in the body.

2. Maintain Healthy Bones

Another key benefit of testosterone therapy for women is that it helps in maintaining healthy bones. Studies have shown that too little (and too much) testosterone in the body is a risk factor for bone disorders. That’s why it’s important that you see a urologist for replacement therapy if you suffer from testosterone imbalance. This will help prevent debilitating bone diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

3. Protects Brain Functioning

Testosterone levels also help in proper brain functioning. The hormone supports the synthesis of the neurotransmitters epinephrine and dopamine. These two hormones are essential for maintaining proper brain functions. Studies have shown that adequate levels of the hormone are necessary to avoid degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s. There is compelling evidence that presence of this hormone in the body leads to improved brain functioning and helps in combating depression.

4. Healthy Fat-to-Mass Ratio

Testosterone therapy can also help women to shed excess weight. Presence of the hormone in the body help in the creation of muscles and prevents fat buildup. It allows the body to increase fat-to-mass ratio resulting in a lean body.

5. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disorders

Low testosterone levels are linked to heart diseases in postmenopausal women. With testosterone therapy, the risk of a heart disease can be reduced. The therapy can also help in accelerating recovery after a heart attack.

Testosterone therapy can help improve health and increase libido in women suffering from a deficiency of this hormone. However, you should talk to an experienced doctor before starting a testosterone therapy. The doctor will take tests to make sure that you suffer from low levels of testosterone. Keep in mind that dosage for women differs from men. A qualified doctor will recommend the correct dosage that is safe and does not interact with other medications.

A final piece of advice regarding testosterone therapy is that it is not recommended for pregnant women. In addition, breastfeeding women should also not testosterone injections or medications as it can result in a harmful effect on the child.

Staff Writer; Bobby Short