Difficulties That Come With Aging and Solutions to Help.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) As people age, a number of things become more and more difficult to handle. What once may have been an easy task now seems extremely complicated and hard to accomplish. While there are many difficulties that come with aging, there are also some solutions that can help make things a bit easier on seniors.

Problem: Getting Up and Out of Chairs

Most people don’t think twice about getting out of their chairs. They simply stand up and go whenever necessary. For seniors, this isn’t so easy. It can take a lot of work to be able to get up and out of the chair they’re sitting in and back to standing on their feet. With weakened muscles and perhaps arthritis, getting up and down each day can be a major struggle for older adults.

Solution: Lifting Chair

Purchasing an elderly lifting chair is one of the best solutions for seniors who struggle to get up and out of the chair where they’re sitting. Lift chairs come forward slightly so the person sitting in them is able to use the chair itself to give themselves a boost up and out. There are even chairs that offer multiple positions so people can go from laying down to getting up without much effort. 

Problem: Multiple Health Issues and Required Medications

Many seniors develop not just one, but several health issues. In fact, more than half of seniors over the age of 65 have at least three problems at once. They may struggle with depression, have heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer. Each of these things may require medication to help people keep their symptoms limited. This means having to keep track of multiple different pills and remembering to take them at the right time of day.

Solution: Pill Box and Reminder System

A pill box provides an easy way to keep medications organized. It’s best to get a bigger box that offers daily slots, as well as an A.M. and P.M section. Some people will need to take certain medications at night before bed and others in the morning with their breakfast. It is also wise to set a reminder system that alerts the person as to when their pills need to get taken. This is helpful when there’s a particular time every day the same dose is needed. The name of the pill and dosage amount should be included on the reminder. Seniors can set these reminders on their phones or get a special alarm.

Problem: Financial Struggles

Seniors often struggle with finances. Whether they never saved enough for retirement and are now living on a measly sum, or they have been scammed one too many times out of money, older adults need to find a way to manage their money as best as possible. With an aging mind, this task isn’t always easy. Some may find it difficult to remember when certain bills are due, how to access accounts, and that they even have to worry about money in the first place.

Solution: Financial Advisor

Too many older family members leave financial matters to their loved ones. While this is fine if the person is really trustworthy, it’s usually not a great idea due to all the stores of family members stealing from their elderly parents, grandparents, neighbors, etc. Speaking with a professional financial advisor is often the best solution. They can help determine how much money is coming in, what could be invested, and how much money needs to go out. They will offer sound advice regarding all financial decisions to help seniors make the most of the cash and savings they do have available.

Aging adults have enough problems to worry about. Simplifying some of those issues with some helpful solutions is one of the best ways seniors can help themselves. It’s best to get things organized and prepared as soon as possible before the aging process really kicks in and the mind wanders. It will ensure people are ready for when those problems arise.

Staff Writer; George Ross