Obesity & CrossFit is a Risk.

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(ThyBlackMan.comIt is a huge step to face the truth of one’s own need. Too many American’s are finding themselves in the position of lose weight or lose their quality of living. It is not question that there is an extreme need for body movement in this country. We spend far too much time sitting, for whatever reason, to the point this is being looked at as a possible catalyst in many of the health challenges we face. Every time we look up there is a new diet, and fitness craze that promises better health, fitness, and a new lease on life. When advertisements, and fitness videos, are release you may see a person working on fitness, but where is the obese person. There is a difference between being obese, and simply needed to shed a few pounds.

The approach to fitness has to be different depending on the state of your body. Making the decision to exercise is great, and acting upon it is even better…but do so carefully. CrossFit is a workout method that incorporates various exercise techniques, it is highly intensive, and it says don’t stop until you have reached the goal. This is great if you are an athlete with exercise experience, but if you are coming straight from the couch it could be a serious risk.

“CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more.” This is a great idea for fitness, however, if you look at the sports mentioned they are ones that require years of training. Granted, aspect of them can be places into a workout program successfully, but if you are not obese and not exercising you will need to work up to this point. It is very difficult to get fit when injuries arise as they often cause setbacks.

When you are obese and just beginning to workout you need to access where you are physically. Even if you desire to get into CrossFit, you may have to work your way into the shape to function safely within a CrossFit workout. Stretching, cardio, and light resistance might be where you start in order to acclimate your body to its new life of fitness. If you have never played any sport you would definitely need to allow your body to adjust, and pay attention to what your body is telling you as you work out.

CrossFit is known to push many pass their limitations. This can be a great thing if you are simply plateauing, but its dangerous if your body is new to working out, and you push pass the actual limits of your body due to the weight that is currently present. This is a risk that CrossFit does present to the person new to the gym that is obese. You will feel the pressure of not wanting to fail, not wanting to give up, to keep pushing at all cost…this has a place within reason.

There is a difference between being dedicated, and ignoring signs of potential injury. It is safe to assume that fresh off the couch obesity and CrossFit may not mix, but getting in shape where by you can safely participate in CrossFit is definitely a goal can you can set.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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