(ThyBlackMan.com) Many of us that grew up with school yard tussles know that though there is a bully…one day the bully will fall. We live in a culture that preaches anti-bully rhetoric, and parents should instill such in their children. The truth is bullies are often weak cowards that are afraid. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A significant development on the political landscape that represents something of a barometer for popular backlash against progressivism in America (and to a lesser extent, the former presidential administration) is the phenomenon of intolerance with regard to disingenuous political activists and political activism among celebrities. “Intolerance?” you ask. Yes, though ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Mention the word drug kingpin, and most people cringe at the thought  of a person selling drugs to other individuals. So what does a  kingpin have to show for all his money and cockiness? Nothing, but the sick admiration of those lost and confused souls who long for power and will ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The national and international audiences ranged in several hundred men, women and even youth as young as elementary age students that enjoyed working on the digital platform WordPress. Present were developers, coders, graphic designers and web developers. Using WordPress to design, build, modify and share content on diverse digital platforms tied ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In a newspaper piece about a White House in turmoil, a prominent paper described an atmosphere of beleaguered aides confused by their unscripted boss, a man who needed a “rudder on what many believed was a loose and listing ship.” This is not from a recent piece about President Donald ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Parents and their children talking about the influence of technology and the family structure. Can sometimes be a conflicting and heated discussion. Technology is slowly unraveling the family structure of bonding as one to being lead to unravel like twine from a bundle. Talking with families like the Harris family ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Being prepared can really help you tackle life’s biggest challenges better. Whether you’re going through some big changes or you want to better manage the risks you face in life, preparing yourself is half the battle. It is about protecting yourself and your wellbeing. Some things are better when prepared ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This week I had this conflict with a white female, as she claimed I was racist because I support black couples and she felt as if I was putting down interracial relationships, which my stance on that is I do not support interracial relationships and here is why. There will ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently on The Breakfast Club, a little known comedian named Lil Duval made a joke about killing a woman if he found out she was trans by saying “If I have sex with a woman that didn’t tell me she was trans, I’ll kill her“. That disgusting and disrespectful ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For the most part, people share common goals. Most of us want poor people to enjoy higher standards of living, greater traffic safety, more world peace, greater racial harmony, cleaner air and water, and less crime. Despite the fact that people have common goals, we often see them grouped ...