President Bully.

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( Many of us that grew up with school yard tussles know that though there is a bully…one day the bully will fall. We live in a culture that preaches anti-bully rhetoric, and parents should instill such in their children. The truth is bullies are often weak cowards that are afraid. When we teach our children not to fear them it is important that we explain who they are truly so that our kids don’t become the victims of scare tactics. In 2017, it is clear that school yard bullies are not the only kind lurching anymore, nor is it a term we often associate with children. Cyber-bullies are now just as bad, if not worse, than those at school. These kinds of bully’s have a wide reach, and can humiliate someone on social media which will never forget. Melania Trump stated she wanted her campaign as First Lady to be a stand against cyber-bullying.

This is a noble campaign to undertake as suicides have been committed as a response to being a victim of cyber bullying. Many people both children and adults have had to battle with this humiliating ugly, and it needs to be attacked. However, the elders use to say charity begins at home, and Mrs. Trump may want to consider this saying. So far, it is unknown what agencies have been contacted to participate in this agenda.

Truth be told it seems to have been a statement that seemed like a great campaign idea, but maybe it is not as near to the heart of Mrs. Trump as it was made to seem. This must be questioned because, obviously, the current President has absolutely no respect for his wife’s agenda. He may as well be called President Bully, because he is has turned Twitter into a whip that he uses to lash out at anyone that takes a stance against him. Trump uses Twitter to chastise his staff, and others that work for him. He’s the poster face for cyber-bullying, and why it needs to be addressed.

Unfortunately, we cannot let our children observe the behavior of the president without serious discussions as to why his behavior is unfit as a leader. Many parents don’t let their children watch the president speak nor the news, as he is a very negative influence on young people. For anyone to take Mrs. Trump serious about her want to fight cyber-bullying the first bully she must address is her husband. It is acknowledged that he puts her in a very tough position, and the First Lady would not want to be seen in opposition to the President…it’s embarrassing. However, his behavior is embarrassing period.

Anti-Bulling campaigns is something the President should support, but it would mean handling himself, and matters his doesn’t like, in a more responsible manner. Mrs. Trump can still champion this cause, or another of her choosing, but that will require her being more personable and talking to the people about bullying, and how it has effected so many. However, she will still end up facing the reputation of her husband…President Bully.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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