(ThyBlackMan.com) “With great power comes great responsibility.” The famous line from Uncle Ben…no not the Uncle Ben on the cover of the famous orange rice box. Uncle Ben from the Spider-Man movies. The Uncle Ben who fathered Peter Parker and gave him the wisest knowledge he would have ever received during ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As a man who once carried a badge, a citizen who monitors police brutality and a concerned African American dad, I have to tell you there is an epidemic of police brutality and misconduct in this country. Their actions are often covert and protected by their departments, the courts and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I often watch crime stories and in many of these cases, African women in this country in particular are often the victims of sexual violence because of the fact that under this colonial parasitic social system, sexual violence against African women is “acceptable”, but sexual violence against Becky is not. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A group of 44 conservative leaders have sent a letter to all members of Congress that might be called a conservative wake-up call. The group represents, through their various organizations, a broad array of conservative concerns. But they boil it all down to three areas that all agree need immediate ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A negative belief pattern is a system of beliefs in which the holder of such beliefs is unable to grasp alternative ways of thinking that result potentially in positive outcomes. For this person, the only outcome to change, challenge and conflict is negative, creating a dysfunctional loop. For many, this ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In the war of voice-based assistance, both Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are learning new things every day. A recent Google Assistant update brings in a slew of improvements and features. Google has announced the update for app developers, but ultimately, it will help the end users. The company has ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It can be argued that parenting has become very pro the wants of the child, verse the needs of a child. It is not the job of a parent to cater to every want and feeling of their child. However, it is necessary for a parent to provide necessities. Children ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The privileged and prestigious professional life of Charlie Rose came to a shocking end this week. In the latest lurid front-page testimony on powerful men, the Washington Post reported that eight women have accused Rose of brutish and exhibitionist behavior. They said new employees were sometimes rubbed on the shoulders ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The ups and downs of life are no respecters of persons. They happen to the good and the bad. The rich and the poor. The suspecting and the unsuspecting. There are a lot of stresses that we all go through, but sometimes, the pressure that men feel can weigh especially ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A personal vision statement is a self-produced guide for your life that serves as a written creed as you navigate the demands of your physical environment. Why do you need a personal vision statement? As you move through life, it is helpful to reference a statement of what you believe ...
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