4 Ways to Have a More Loving Relationship.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There is nothing like having a special someone to spend the rest of your life with. Most folks go years searching for the person that they feel is just right for them. Being in a long-term committed relationship is rewarding, for sure, but there are also things that are not so fun at times. In the midst of experiencing the ups and downs of love, every now and then the romance fades and the two people that were once madly in love with each feel more like two roommates.

Along with the hustle and bustle of life, the need to stop and look at the way you treat your significant other (SO) becomes necessary. Every relationship has its highs and lows and it’s how you handle those moments that make all the difference. It may be hard to admit, but taking the time to see how you can be more loving in your relationship goes a long way.

If you find that the love has waned or if you aren’t really a loving person by nature but are with someone and want to be what your SO needs in all areas, here are some ways to practice having a more loving relationship.

Practice Compassion

This is a big one. Sometimes we are so stressed by work and other stuff that the slightest thing can trigger us and cause us to lash out at our SO. In frustrating moments or moments when you just feel blah, make an effort to practice compassion. That kind of patience goes a long way and it will help you realize how you speak to the closest person in your life. Too many times we show more compassion to others and not enough to the people that matter most.

Plan for Romance

The life that most people live is filled with all kinds of reasons why this and that, but when it comes down to it, you have to make room and time for love. I’m talking about planning moments that are purposeful and that take your partner’s breath away. The kind of moments that include spending time together doing the things that both of you like to do. It’s not cheesy or corny. It’s necessary and will save you a lot of heartaches when you look up and see that your SO has moved on without you.

Share the Load

You will be surprised how much sharing the load can help in your relationship. When one person feels more weighed down with responsibilities, it can cause resentment. You have got to make an effort to share the load; whatever that is for you and your mate. Gestures mean more to some people than things.

Don’t Be Petty

It’s a word that is thrown around a lot nowadays. Everyone is talking about being petty and it is a sure-fire way to mess up your relationship. There is no love in doing tit for tat things. Don’t let pettiness ruin your love. Instead talk things out, so that you both can be on the same page. Communicating will lead to a whole other level of intimacy.

Having a more loving relationship starts with changing your behavior, expectations, and actions. It’s within your grasp to make it happen.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah