(ThyBlackMan.com) If you aspire to improve your business sales, the first thing you have to do is to get clear about your business. Once you’re clear about why you’re selling your particular line of products and all the reasons why they offer consumers such great value, then you’ll discover your mission and be able to craft a compelling mission statement.
The next thing you have to figure out is how to chunk down your mission statement into smaller, more actionable goals. By chunking down your sales goals, you’ll be able to prioritize your time, create time blocks for critical tasks, and effectively delegate the selling process out to your sales team.
Finally, in order to meet customer needs, you need to create and maintain a series of constructive selling strategies. Here are five ways to get more leads and increase your rate of conversion:
1. Use an Outbound Call Center
An outbound call center is one of the most effective ways to reach out to prospects and customers. Besides understanding your products well and using proven sales scripts, call center agents will use advanced technology like autodialer, power dialer, and predictive dialer to maximize the number of connections that they can make with your clientele.
2. Build a Website
Another way to build your customer base is to build a website. Some would argue this is a necessity in the current landscape. It’s a marketing tool with a global reach that works 24/7. Use your website to share your business story, and to tell your visitors who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. In fact, if you have plenty of customer testimonials or have achieved some impressive press, this is the place to show them off. However, that’s not all. A business website will allow you to do more than just introduce people to your business, it will also allow you to build an email list, create a shopping cart, and provide all your contact information.
3. Post ads on social media
Social channels are an excellent way to find prospects and talk to customers. Most platforms offer some way for you to place ads so that you can drive traffic straight back to your website. For instance, Facebook ads will allow you to create highly effective advertising–because, with more than a billion monthly users, you can get your ads out in front of a motivated target audience using with a wide range of metrics to segment the right people by location and demographics, by age and gender, and by interest and buying behavior.
Naturally, you want to make sure that you hire seasoned online marketers to create professional, high-converting ads. A simple strategy used by successful advertisers is “Look at what your competitors are doing and outsmart them — more often than not, you can create an irresistible offer by just analyzing what your competitors are doing, and then offering a “sexier” deal. Burger King, Wendy’s, and McDonald’s are famous for doing this. They continually spy on their competitors’ social media to find their most popular offers, and then create something better.”
4. Re-train your sales team
It’s possible that you’ve recently increased your sales team, but not had the time to do more than provide basic sales training. If this happens to be the case, your new sales reps will do much better if you provide in-house training to increase their product knowledge, send them out in the field to shadow experienced salespeople, and equip them with more software tools to succeed, like customer relations management apps to help them keep track of customer information and time management apps to improve how they spend their day.
5. Regroup your sales efforts
If your sales are in a slump, it could be because you’ve lost some momentum in applying proven sales techniques. For instance, if you talk to your existing line of customers, you can find out what you’re doing right and then double down on those sales efforts that have worked. Other simple things you can do are bundle your products and provide more add-ons services; offer a limited-time sale to create scarcity and stimulate a sense of buyer urgency and provide your loyal customer with referral incentives.
In the final analysis, focusing on firing up your sales strategy will generate many new opportunities for your revenue to increase and your business to grow at a faster clip.
Staff Writer; Donald James
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