More Body Cameras On Police Officers = Counterproductive Reformist Demand.

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( A few weeks ago, the white nationalist cop who killed an unarmed urban man in St. Louis had been recently acquitted on all charges against him because prior to his acquittal, he was deliberately given administrative leave by the state for doing exactly what it is that they’re sent to do which is to terrorize and kill urban people with impunity.

The cop’s acquittal led to massive protests and demonstrations from the poor, working class urban people across the country because it’s no secret that the colonial judicial system almost always acquits cops for the state-sanctioned killings of unarmed urban people.

One thing that I have noticed over these past few years is that these pseudo-activists and organizers in our community including those that are affiliated with the paternalistic white leftist bootlickers in BLM and their organizations have been advocating, fighting, marching, and protesting for very counterproductive reformist demands like more body cameras on police officers and reforming the system, especially the colonial judicial system.

I had to come to the realization over these past few years that no amount of reform like “reforming” the system or requesting more body cameras on police officers is not gonna get us free nor will it help us overturn the system that we are often forced to live under and are often at the mercy of because I know now that the system can NEVER ever be reformed in any shape or form because if we want true liberation as a collective, we must fight for it because it won’t be handed to us by the system.

Also, recently in St. Louis, there was a city council meeting in which the ruling class members along with their neocolonial puppets (all of whom work in the interests of big money and big developers) were yelled at by pseudo-activists and organizers saying “We put you in office to put more body cameras on police officers” and “We demand more body cameras”. And for one, I am not a pro-reformist type of person because I am pro-revolution.

And my first thought was calling for these reformist demands like body cameras have never been beneficial to our community especially in terms of getting convictions because Rodney King is the most notorious example of this because in March 1991, he was caught on camera getting beat up by four corrupt Los Angeles police officers and then a year after he was beat up, the officers were acquitted on the charges and led to the urban community rebelling against the system especially against the armed thugs of the LAPD in late April 1992.

City governments across the country have been doing what I call these pacifistic tactics against our community in which some of them like city officials in Carrboro, NC had approved of a public policy of adding more body cameras on police officers earlier this year.

Having more body cameras on police officers is NOT a long term solution going forward because it’s a counterproductive and reformist tactic specifically designed to pacify and trick us into believing that having more body cameras on police officers will actually stop them from killing us when in fact that it won’t.

The police are part of the state and they only function to protect the interests of the colonial ruling class at the expense of the poor working class urban community. They also function as an occupying military force not only in our community, but also in the public schools in our community and it’s a military-style occupation that you see in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Conclusion – Instead of advocating and fighting for counterproductive reformist demands like body cameras, let’s advocate and fight for true liberation by overturning this system all together.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)