Edward Waters College Instructors Speak at Historic WordCampDC 2017.

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(ThyBlackMan.comProfessor, Blogger, Community Activist, Social Media Speaker and Visionary William Jackson of My Quest To Teach and Ms. Emma Kent Librarian and expert researcher with Edward Waters College were selected to speak at the 1st Annual International WordCampDC 2017 held in Washington, DC. Many people are not familiar that WordCamps are conferences held globally that focus on everything WordPress; a web development and blogging platform.

Professor Jackson and Ms. Kent spoke to several hundred attendees on the area of “How to be Dope and Lit on Social Media and Using Social Media for Community Engagement.”

This was recorded for WordPress TV for global broadcasting and continued instruction. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users with diverse technical, developmental, project based and content creating backgrounds.

The beauty of WordCamps are that everyone from the casual user to core developers participate, share ideas, experiences, collaborate and support each other. Professor Jackson has written
several blog as to why HBCU and students of color and culture should attend.

WordCamp is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) that works to support a global community and building of Professional Learning Networks (PLN) that fosters the bridge to Professional Learning Families (PLF) in Social Media and diverse technologies.

Professor Jackson has been blogging and speaking about Social Media over 15 years and recognized nationally and internationally and a public education teacher.

Ms. Kent is a seasoned and nationally recognized and respected research librarian assisting faculty and staff at Edward Waters College in their educational pursuits.

Both have presented at WordCamp Jacksonville 2017 and Professor Jackson has spoken locally and nationally on Social Media safety, accountability and responsibility.

#MyQuestToTeach #LibrariansAreDope #EducationalTechnology

WordCamp National Schedule


WordCampDC @http://twitter.com/wordcampdcTwitter

WordCampDC web site https://2017.dc.wordcamp.org/

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

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