Black Journalist Press On.

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( It’s no secret that this White House Administration has a true disdain for the free press. The problem they are often not angry are fabricated stories, they are upset that the press has the nerve to report the truth. Yes, media is known to have its bias, and many Trump supporters believe the media is spreading lies to poison the minds of the American people against the current president. The problem we have is regardless of personal position the media has reported quite a bit of accurate news the current administration refuses to acknowledge regardless of facts.

On April 1, 2017, the President tweeted the following: “When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?. The bottom line is this administration is showing the public its willingness to fight the media, and our right to know, even to the point of defending accusations that are without merit.

Black journalists are not immune to the firestorm this administration has caused. They sit in a very vulnerable position of not only being demeaned by the administration, but they are constantly aware that when they speak they represent a people. One can only imagine the kind of restraint they must have to sit on countless panels, and in White House briefing, while they are often disrespected for their position and yet they press on. Recently, we watched White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer engage with long time White House Correspondent April D. Ryan as he told her “stop shaking your head” as he argued with her as she asked questions regarding Russia. The bottom line is he was blatantly disrespectful to her speaking to her as if she was a child, and yet she kept her composure during the ordeal. Many of us would have lost our temper, and our job that day. Yet, she and many others keep up the fight to hold the current administration accountable.

There are many black writers out there that may be questioning themselves on if they should turn their pens, and voices, towards this current administration in fear of backlash. The truth is if our country continues along the path it is one there will be serious backlash for all journalist that are willing to take a stand, and write the truth. It is important to remember, as black writers, that our people have always went against the grain in our publications, and writings. It was never safe for us to speak our own truth, nor that of this country’s truth. In that regard we are not in uncharted waters…all we have to do is remember the writers, journalists and artists that have come before us, and used their craft to stand up to injustice on behalf of their people. April D. Ryan, Angela Rye, Roland Martin, Van Jones, Don Lemon, Ta-Nahisi Coates and many others carry the torch for black journalism making our voices heard regardless of the backlash.

Those of us that have the pen, gift of research, and the courage to stand up must join other black journalist on the front lines of helping to keep our communities informed and engaged in the conversation. All journalist, as with the community, won’t agree with each other on every point. However, they encourage us to let our voice be heard in many different mediums. As black journalist press on they are also an example of composure in the face of blatant racism, sexism and bigotry. They say “I’ll keep coming”, and we must all do the same.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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