Bill O’Reilly: Who Do You Think You Are?

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( “I am a strong Black woman. I cannot be intimidated, and I am not going anywhere.” –Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)

In our multi-ethnic society, the demand for equality is pivotal. Thus the presence of racism, colors every aspect of our social fabric, and become focal points of controversy and public interest. Since fairness is highly valued in the American milieu, one’s race frequently determines whether they will be treated fairly or with contempt.

If more proof is required in verifying this observation, one needs only to look at the recent comments, by Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, when he compared Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ hair to a “James Brown wig.”

The racially charged comments set off a firestorm on social media, with many calling for Bill O’Reilly’s termination. Fat chance of that happening. As expected, this controversy has created a throng of opinions, ranging from those who think O’Reilly’s comments reflect the divisiveness in America. And those who feel his constitutional rights, entitles him to say whatever he damn well pleases.

Generally, I steer clear of conservative TV hosts, who shove political incorrectness down viewers throats like a lollipop. But after hearing O’Reilly’s tirade, I can no longer maintain my silence. This equal opportunity insulter, makes the typical loud-mouth, sound almost rational compared to his biting rhetoric. Spouting the ecstasies of contemptuous behavior, his favorite targets are minorities, liberals, the LGBT community and former President Barack Obama.

To reiterate, Bill O’Reilly is an equal opportunity insulter, which is why many say that because his insults are not limited to one race or group, he should not be fired. Nonetheless, I am among the millions who feel that termination is not only justified, it is long over due.

Now before anyone gets their Freedom of Speech drool in a wad and say that the firing would not justify the behavior. My response is, Really? As a woman of color, O’Reilly’s words affected me personally. Not only did he denounce the texture of Waters’ wig, he laughed about it. Mr. O’Reilly, who gave you the right to spew hair jokes about one of the most admired and respected women in Congress?

Honestly, Bill, what would you do if someone ridiculed Melania Trump’s hair? Would you be angry and eager to defend anyone who criticizes the First Lady’s physical appearance? Of course you would. Why? Because you feel she is the epitome of beauty and glamour. Aren’t Black women worthy of those same characteristics? Or, are we simply “rejects” who aren’t deserving of respect, no matter how minimal?

This is not the first negative comment O’Reilly has made regarding African-Americans. Case in point: Following President Obama’s 2012 re-election, he angrily noted, “Obama wins because it’s not a traditional America anymore. The white establishment is the minority. People want things.”  The people he was referring to is Blacks and Latinos.

In dismantling O’Reilly’s credibility, the ‘want things’ comment like the James Brown remark, has no factual basis. Proof that William James O’Reilly Jr., is not only inconsiderate, he’s also an idiot. And that’s just one strong Black woman’s opinion.

Staff Writer; Peggy S. Butler

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