(ThyBlackMan.com) Regardless of which side of the fence you may sit on regarding this topic, there’s one thing you just can’t deny – drones will definitely be a big part of the future whether you like it or not. From delivery systems to agriculture, they are already coming up in a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In your busy life, aside from your gadgets, a sedentary lifestyle can be your best companion. It can kill stress, but this lifestyle can soon lead to chronic diseases. Some might give in to smoking to break the monotony without understanding the downsides. Cigarettes contain addictive chemicals called nicotine, and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A dark patch on skin with ageing is common problem mostly faced by women. These patches occur anywhere on the skin and may range from light to dark brown depending on the skin type and underlying problem. This issue may not pose major impact on one’s health, however it may ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) You may not like Trump (and I don’t either). But you can thank him for exposing, unmasking and uncovering the racial hatred in this country towards African Americans. He did not put it there, but because of Trump, we African Americans can better identify who wears invisible Klan robes ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) President-elect Donald Trump’s threats against American companies looking to relocate in foreign countries have won favorable review from many quarters. Support comes from those alarmed about trade deficits, those who want a “level playing field” and those who call for “free trade but fair trade,” whatever that means. Some ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The title of my article seems both rough and judgmental. But by now those of you who read my articles know that I can factually back up what I say. I am in Atlanta not too far from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church where “Bishop” Eddie Long set up a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For those of us who were blessed to see it, another year has arrived and brings with it another opportunity to start afresh with new ways to move our people closer to economic empowerment. The New Year brings a clean slate, so to speak, since we like to make resolutions ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “That faith that I placed all those years ago, not far from here, in the power of ordinary Americans to bring about change, that faith has been rewarded in ways I could not have possibly imagined.” – President Barack Obama, Farewell Address, January 10, 2017 Throughout our history, the National ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The attacks by Trump, Trump’s Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, and some GOP leaders on Georgia Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis for flatly calling Trump’s presidency “not legitimate” was predictable. What wasn’t expected was the criticism from a few Democrats who voiced some dismay at Lewis’s broadside against ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) After watching President Elect Trumps News conference, I realize more than ever there is cause to be uneasy about the direction of the country. It is a good thing to have hope, and to keep the faith that everything will be okay. However, while we are keeping our faith we ...