Pigmentation on Face – Reasons and Remedies.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) A dark patch on skin with ageing is common problem mostly faced by women. These patches occur anywhere on the skin and may range from light to dark brown depending on the skin type and underlying problem. This issue may not pose major impact on one’s health, however it may work as a big blow on one’s confidence to face the world. There are many reasons for pigmentation and depending on this reason; one can categorize pigmentation as melasma, vitiligo, or hyperpigmentation. Out of all these types of pigmentation, melasma is very common and is mostly seen on the face making it more apparent.

Reasons for Pigmentation

The major cause for hyperpigmentation is the increased melanin levels. Melanin is the pigment responsible for your skin tone. It is evenly distributed all over the body to get the even skin tone. Patches develop when the melanin distribution is hindered or when melanin accumulates in one area. The main reasons are –

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Skin allergies
  • Menopausal hormonal changes
  • Sun burn
  • Inflammation of skin due to radiation and UV exposure
  • Using fairness creams for very long period
  • Trauma or skin injury

There are many other underlying health conditions like vitamin deficiency, improper blood purification, and even kidney issues. However the most common reason for pigmentation in females is hormonal imbalance.

Home Remedies

Pigmentation requires long term care and treatment for complete healing. You can visit your doctor for medication and treatment of underlying condition. If there is no other health condition responsible for pigmentation then you may try the below given home remedies –

  • Aloe Vera Juice – Aloe Vera is nature’s gift to mankind. It contains mucilaginous polysaccharide which is known for reducing dark spots effectively. You would require fresh Aloe Vera gel or juice to be applied on the affected area. Allow it to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water to get the freshness along with radiance.
  • Potato Juice – Rub the piece of potato on the blemished area twice daily. Remove on drying. Mixing potato juice with few drops of lemon would also help. Potato removes the dark spots caused by sun burn and inflammation due to UV exposure.
  • Turmeric Powder – Blood purifying properties of turmeric are quite popular. Turmeric powder have both internal as well as external applications. Mix a pinch of turmeric with a glass of milk. This can be consumed daily to purify blood. Mixture of milk and turmeric can also be applied directly on the dark spots to see them vanishing in couple of months. Turmeric and milk lighten the skin tone efficiently. Apply this mix on the entire face for better results.
  • Stay Hydrated – Sometimes pigmentation is resulted from the toxins trapped beneath the skin. Keeping the skin hydrated would help in removing harmful toxins from the body. Drink more water and juices to stay hydrated all day long. Water stored in copper vessel is also recommended.
  • Tomato Juice – Tomato is natural bleach. Apply tomato juice on your face to fight superficial pigmentation. It lightens the dark spots and closes the pores for youthful glow. Another effective astringent is apple cider vinegar and it also removes dark spots when used to rinse face along with water.

Home remedies work slowly but regular application would get you substantial result. Make skin care your routine to fight pigmentation well.

Staff Writer; Shelia Moore

This sister is health enthusiast, who loves to share her knowledge about health and fitness through her blogs. She occasionally contributes her write-ups for HCG drops shop, online portal dealing in homeopathic HCG drops for weight loss.