Harry Styles Twitter drama, be Careful with the Feminist Comments.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Twitter does not care how famous you are it can go off on a person in a heartbeat. We see celebrities get dragged all over Twitter quite often. Unlike with other platforms the public can reach out in a way that would cause a serious firestorm. All celebrities should be careful on Twitter.

Apparently Harry Styles didn’t get the Twitter memo. Harry Styles, member of UK pop band One Direction, decided to let us know he’s a feminist when he feels like it. Well, doing that while the world is watching the Woman’s march on Washington, and around the world, wasn’t smart. Harry Styles, what were you thinking honey. You left yourself open to criticism from haters, and your fans.

You left some wondering…why wasn’t Harry Styles at the march? Look, Harry you must realize that it’s looks like you told Twitter I support women’s issues when it suits me. That sounds too much like patriarchy to some. Going forward you might want to select your words with more care.

Harry Styles it will be okay for you…this time. You are young, and your fans still love you. Young women are still going to think you are gorgeous, and melt behind the accent. Let that cover you this time. Harry Styles it’s a free world, but you might want to pay attention to what has happened to others celebrities, like yourself, that were too loose tongued on Twitter.

Apparently the fans of Harry Styles, for the most part, is going to give him a pass that Taylor Swift is not getting. Harry, be wise and let this die down. If you are going to be an entertainer that speaks on matters of public concern do so being mindful of the message you are sending. Your career is fairly new. You’d hate to be a golden boy one day, and labeled as a misogynist (regardless of fact) the next day. Feminism is nothing to take lightly these day…women get I to an uproar faster than the speed of light.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy

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