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( Ever since Trump and his poor white trashy following started poppin’ shit about building prison walls and Law and Order, I was waiting for Niggas to say what we all were thinking. Why Niggas ain’t at Trump rallies, fuckin’ these Niggas up?

We all saw them sneak punchin’ those African-Americans. Pushin’ them, shovin’ them, spittin’ on them, and other disrespectful shit that wasn’t shown on TV. Our leaders were absent. But, Niggas ain’t got no leader. Christians don’t want Farrakhan as their leader. Muslims don’t want Rev. Jackson as their leader. And, don’t nobody trust Al Sharpton to lead them nowhere….especially in unchartered waters.

In the seventies, we thought our Messiah would come from the hip-hop generation. But then I saw the professed super predator Hov/Jay-Z dancing with HEEL-IRY CLINTON; the First Lady who brought millions of Black folks to a HEEL.

Ever since I was a child, I heard Niggas speak of reparations. Since President Lincoln was assassinated, Niggas said, “I can’t wait for an African-American President.” Or, back then they may have said, Afro-American President or Colored President or Negro President or whatever they were calling us way back when.

Now that 40 acres and a mule is in serious doubt, what do we do? Fuck White Flight, why don’t Blacks go Back…..Where the fuck are we gonna go? We damn sure don’t want to go to Africa. It’s too hot over there. Do you see how BLACK those people are?

So, well, maybe it’s time for us to secede. I mean, half of the country wants us out. We all thought it at one time or another. The election confirmed it for us.

“No, no, no, Saint Solomon. Trump wasn’t talking about us. He was talking about the Mexicans.”

Case in point. African-Americans don’t want to live in a state entirely populated with Niggas. Why? Because in the end, the most murderous, violent, brutal, yet intelligent Niggas would be controlling the territory. And the violence will continue until enough becomes too much and we all capitulate.

Doesn’t that remind you of the American Revolution? When the most murderous, violent, brutal, yet intelligent Whites controlled the territory. Well, I guess we just saw another American Revolution.

Staff Writer; Saint Solomon



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