The Narrative That Says Being Healthy Isn’t Fun Is A Lie.

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(ThyBlackMan.comNarratives, narratives, narratives: they’re everywhere. Politics, advertising, universities – you name it, there’s a narrative.

But one of the most dangerous narratives out there right now is the one that relates to health. We’re told over and over again that being healthy is hard work and something that is only achievable by a small cadre of elites, especially in countries like America where there is a fast food joint on every corner. This narrative is not only false, but it’s also dangerous. Thousands of black Americans die every year from diseases like heart disease and diabetes, both of which are undeniably lifestyle related.

The good news is that being healthy is actually fun. It’s not about 11blackcouplewaterslogging it out on a boring treadmill at the gym or subjecting yourself to boiled broccoli every night. It’s about coming up with ways to live your life to the full, getting healthy as a consequence.

Take a look at some of these fun ways to get healthy, get active and life yourself out of the stupor you’ve been living in.

Be Part Of A Team

When people think about how to get fit, what’s the first thing that pops into their brain? Usually, it’s some grindingly repetitive activity, like jogging or doing a thousand sit-ups before going to bed. But the problem with these activities is that they are solo. Unless you’re one of the rare people who like to challenge themselves and work out alone, these exercise regimes are not sustainable.

A far better way to get healthy is to leverage the fact that you’re a social animal. As a human, you need other people around you to make experiences enjoyable and fulfilling. Joining a team, not matter what that team actually does, is a great way to transform exercise from a chore into a social event. Suddenly, it’s less about the exercises themselves, and more about the people you get to interact with as a result.

Do Stuff That’s Thrilling

Have you ever noticed that when the adrenaline is pumping, being physically active is a lot easier? Take mountain biking for instance. Nobody would doubt that it is an extremely physically demanding sport. But when you’re riding down the hill at full speed, the last thing you’re thinking about is how tiring it is. You’re more concerned about staying out of the way of the next tree.

The same goes for watersports. There’s a new watersports toy that acts like a fin, allowing you to fly underwater, as you’re pulled along by a boat. You’ve got to use your muscles to come up for air and to stabilize your body – but you’re not focusing on that. Instead, you’re enjoying the experience for what it is: a thrill.

Volunteer Outdoors

Is there a community service project you could get involved with in your local area? If there is, why not get involved? Almost all community service projects include some type of physical activity, whether it’s building a new community center, or picking up litter in the park.

Staff Writer; Craig Brown