The Satanic Democrats vs American Nationalism, Part 1 of 4.

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( A wise person will change their beliefs and ideology, when faced with new information. A foolish person refuses to verify new information, and will not change.

After the end of the Ice Age, came Earth’s fifth extinction, after 11,000 BC. Following that, in 7200 BC, Yehovah restored life on Earth, for a fifth time, during Restoration Week Five. On the fifth day (Thursday) of that week, God created the modern fish and mammals of the sea, as opposed to the sea monsters (sea dinosaurs) He created on the fifth day of Restoration Week One, in 244 Million BC. In our era, on the sixth day, which was Friday, God made Adam, then made the Garden of Eden for him to live in. Notice the differences from Genesis chapter one?

After 100 years, Yehovah made the modern animals so that Adam would no longer be alone. Adam spent weeks and maybe months naming all the animals, only to feel lonely again after the novelty with the animals wore off in several years. By 7000 BC, Yehovah put Adam to sleep in the middle of the day (Saturday), took one of his ribs, and made Eve.

From 7000 BC, to 4267 BC, Adam & Eve were in innocence, immortal, remaining young, equivalent to the age of thirty. But during that time, Eve often was off on her own, sometimes talking to nationalism-defining-american-nationalism-2016the serpent, who seemed to always be hanging around or upon the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why was the serpent always there? Why wasn’t the serpent with its mate? Did it have a mate? If there were no others, wouldn’t it become extinct?

After years of gaining Eve’s trust, the serpent suggested that Eve should eat of the evil tree.

Eve was told by Adam (not Yehovah), to not eat of the tree, else in the day that anyone does, they would die. As you know, the serpent contradicted God’s Law, suggesting that God did not want humans to “evolve into being gods”. Eve was foolish enough to believe that lie.

Eve had the choice to either believe what her Creator said, or to believe what the serpent was saying. Who was the most likely liar? She should have done some research. The serpent was older, and had been around longer than Eve. She should have had the good sense to go talk to Adam first, who was here before the serpent. But no, she ate of the fruit, and it tasted so good, better than any of the other fruits in the garden. Also she felt “enlightened”, and since nothing adverse happened, she took some of the fruit to Adam.

However, when Adam ate of the fruit, immediately, the “brimstone hit the fan”. As long as a leaf in the Summer is attached to the tree, it has life. But as soon as it torn away, nothing seems to change at first. But its life source is taken away, and it begins to wither and die, as time goes on. That’s what happened to Adam, Eve, and all of humanity that were born of the seed of human males. That’s one of several reasons why Yeshua could not have a human father.

The following is my assessment of what is happening.

What does the above have to do with the Democrats? It deals with the infiltration of the serpent, a woman, and a lie. The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Islam, perversion, and the Globalist Agenda. President Jr Bush began ushering in Globalism. President Obama ushered in Islam. Bill and Hillary Clinton began the ushering in of perversion, and it was much further advanced by Obama. Now, Hillary Clinton wants to further advance the Globalist Agenda in America, hiding a particular secret from those that would vote for her. Trying to enslave Americans wouldn’t come without a gunfight first.

Why is it that the Obama administration kept pounding the idea of “gun control” after every gun shooting event? Don’t be fooled by such lies. The real reason behind “gun control” rhetoric is to take guns from the people so that it will be easier to overcome them by military means when the appointed time comes. The Global Agenda requires the people to be subordinate to the “New World Order”, which the United Nations plans to implement.

Most of America would want to keep our national sovereignty, and would not accept being taken over by the “One World Order”, imposed by our own corrupt government. Trying to enslave

Americans wouldn’t come without a gunfight first. That’s why the Globalists want to take away guns, so it’s not to “keep Americans safe”. England finally “saw the light”, and how the European Union was trying to force the infusion of Muslims into their culture, and voted to separate themselves from the EU. The United States should also “wake up” and get out of the United Nations.

While running for President, Obama lied to the American people by saying that “he was a Christian”.

As we later found out, he is raised as a Muslim, and never was a Christian. He believes in, and prays to, a pagan Arabian Moon god (Allah). His oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States was a farce, because he neither believes in Yehovah, nor the Word of Yehovah. He also said that he believed in traditional marriage, until after he got elected to office. Even though there was voter fraud in the 2012 Presidential election, the sad thing is that there were sufficient people foolish enough (“we’ll get free stuff’) to re-elect the Muslim operative. What did he ever do that was good or positive for America…., or Israel?

The five things I can think of that he did for (to) America, was to weaken our military and our weaponry advantage. He (further) perverted America with his promotion of gay marriage and “so called” LGBT rights, bringing sodomy out of the closet. He gave Iran a boost in their nuclear weapons program. He instigated “Obama Care”, that now makes health care much less affordable, and designed to destroy the Middle Class, and puts a $685 penalty on tax payers if they don’t have healthcare insurance. The fraud had no business being elected in the first place. Unfortunately, there were too many blind fools, “addicted” to voting for the Democrats, and “wanting a black President”. I was one of them, the first time. So with the help of voter fraud, he was re-elected, so he could do more damage to America.

Are you ready to make the same foolish mistake again? Hillary will do worse.

Staff Writer; Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.