Reality Distraction.

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( With everything going on in the world we tend to fall for distractions that would take our eyes off the real issues of the day. Some of us are addicted to gossip, and entertainment in manner that is detrimental to movement. While the Presidential election campaign has turned into one big circus we are not focused on congress who is actually the bigger problem. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have so much of our conversation attention many of us are not paying adequate attention to who are running for house, and senate seats. How many of us pay attention to what is currently being argued on the congressional floor? Do we even know what’s going on with our city council, or the school board that affects our children? While we are away at the circus decisions are being made everyday that govern our life.

Its no knock, but too many of us are concerned about Empire or who Stevie J knocked up while we have blood in our streets. No, 2016distractioneveryday is not suppose to be without its entertaining moments, but the issues of our day deserve more than a like and comment on Facebook. This leads me to social media… yes it can serve a purpose but it is not a movement. Posts and hostages on social media have people believing they are activists. I hate to say this, but if you are not out making a difference in some manner then activism is not happening. Using social media to rally people together, and pass information or expose social injustice is cool. What do we do after that?

Truth is reality is a distraction for the nonsense we entertain day in and day out. There is so much going on in the U.S. and abroad, but we don’t really pay attention until a terrorist attack takes place. Some of us don’t bother about black community until one of us is dead in the street, or some news is reported about blatant racist incidents. While many of us are keeping up with celebrity gossip our children are being miseducated, and some are fighting to attend school with the natural hair on their heads. It’s a sad day when gossip sites are treated like news as actual journalism is pushed to the side. We must question our priorities for the sake of the next generation. We must wake up and embrace reality so that we can become a part of the solution. It’s time to dial back the real distractions so that we can see the enemy of our freedom.

Activism a way of thinking…a way of life. It’s more than what we post from our computer or phone. Activism requires that reality is not a distraction… it requires us to look beyond the surface. Too many of us follow organizations, or movements, without knowing their foundation because the slogan is catchy. Like if you support Black Lives Matter know what you are actively supporting and why. All activist that are engaged in the movement aren’t followers of Black Lives Matter, or the NAACP nor Urban League.

Everyone is not a Republican or Democrat. Activism takes on many faces and there are so many organizations to choose from. But, you wouldn’t know which vein of the movement is best for you if you don’t come out of the distraction haze. Enjoy life as best you can, but don’t allow the reality of what’s really going on in the world become a distraction… allow making your world better to be a priority. Don’t wait until reality darkens your doorstep to wake up.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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