Building Black Superheroes with STEM.

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( Black Superheroes have been around for centuries, from the stories presented from the archives of Stetson Kennedy, author, poet, and community activist to the works of Tangela Floyd who through the theatrical portrayals in the “Reader Theater” performances “The Black Superheroes” and now the creation of movies and comic books, “Black Superheroes” are coming to life.

Through the passion for resuscitating the stories of the “Slave Narratives” of Stetson Kennedy and Zora Neal Hurston, “Black Superheroes” that inspired liberation from the false limitations
attempting to be placed on Blacks to keep them in mental as well as physical bondage.

“Black Superheroes” help to free the spirits and imaginations of Blacks during a time when Blacks were denied basic constitutional and human rights. The “Black Superheroes” are legendary in STEM-SUPERHEROESreligious beliefs, physical strength, and mental abilities.

They have engineering talents, legendary speed, outstanding courage, battlefield leadership and even compassion, love and family orientation. They are young, middle aged, elders and spiritual beings that show the best, brightest and sometimes challenges of having color and culture. They are sometimes misunderstood, misrepresented and often thought dangerous because of their representation of not just equality, but superiority of people of color and culture over those of lighter skill and lesser historical significance.

“The Black Superheroes” are a representation of the best in Blacks working to overcome slavery and of all types of oppression. Even in songs that are the foundation of gospel spirituals like, “follow the Drinking Gourd” is a symbol of freedom.

The stories of the “Black Superheroes” can be found in Stetson Kennedy Legacy Part 1: Slave Narratives and Folklore, and Stetson Kennedy Legacy Part II: Introducing “The Black Superheroes,” these are iconic works of literature that will be recognized for decades to come because they will not be forgotten again.

Youth, teens and young adults should be given a chance through the creative and innovative tools of STEM and STEAM to embrace their “Superpowers” as children of color and culture.

What better way to show children of color and culture how innovative and talented they are, allow them to design their own “Black Superheroes” roles for themselves.

Here you can see how inner city children developed themselves as “Superheroes” using their minds, creative and innovative spirits to build and design themselves as the “Superheroes” they see themselves as.  Resources for Black Superheroes

Black Superheroes of America’s Little Leaders 2016

Summer Camp Video

Resources for Black Superheroes by William Jackson

Introducing the Black Superheroes

America Need Black Superheroes

Do You Believe in Black Superheroes

Catch A Fire for Reading – Catch A Black Superhero

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.