(ThyBlackMan.com) America’s Democratic Party now has an undisputed candidate for President and a platform upon which most progressive Americans — and, more specifically, progressive Americans of Color — can agree. In primary elections and caucuses across this nation, Democratic voters gave Secretary Hillary Clinton their majority approval, while also giving ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Rwandans say that ‘evil is always unspectacular and humane-it shares our bed and eats at our table.’ The UNHCR in partnership with other agencies of Refugees’ concern promote three “durable solutions” to the fate of legally-recognized refugees by the International Legal Regime namely-(i)Voluntary Repatriation,(ii)Resettlement and lastly-(iii)Local Integration. However, This ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Getting your body toned and tough the way you want it to be is easier said than done. Dieting alone won’t do it, and exercise that isn’t coupled with a sensible eating regime won’t either. If you’ve been working out for a while but haven’t gotten the results you ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The fascinating thing about Hillary Clinton’s lie that “African-Americans” are disproportionately killed by police is that she continues peddling it after the murders of three law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge, which followed the ambush killings of five officers in Dallas. In both cases, the murderers were black men ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s certainly true that when GOP presidential contender Donald Trump shouts repeatedly that he’s the “law and order candidate” he is simply pilfering the line and pitch that future GOP and even Democratic presidential candidates George Wallace, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton worked to death during their ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) No business or service provider can coast along without improving. If you don’t strive to make your business better and stay up to date, you will be overtaken by your competition. It’s important always to concentrate on development and growing your business. It’s essential so you don’t get left ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For many blacks abuse is often swept under the rug when it’s put into the spotlight. Why do so  many black people cover up abuse among themselves? That’s a question that keeps getting asked with no kind of real conclusive answer. Yet the cycle of abuse is pretty prevalent ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Being black and female is already a mainstay in American society even moreso in the black community where many women are often time the target of unwarranted and at time unnecessary comments from family. Yes, it’s true that 69-70% of black women are single and have never been married. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As a child, getting a loose tooth was unbelievably exciting as we’d wiggle and wobble them until they came out so we could leave them for the tooth fairy. However, getting a wobbly tooth as an adult is a whole different ball game and is definitely not exciting. In ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) After an accident, it can feel like your whole word has been turned upside down. An injury can severely disrupt your lifestyle and causes you various stresses. You shouldn’t underestimate any of them. But you should also recognize that an injury can be approached in a positive way. You ...