Social Media and Building Your Career.

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( For young adults moving into a career takes planning, execution, diligence and sacrifice. Technology can help in building skills that can be applied to a developing Brand and to start a career, creating a foundation that helps to extend into the future.

Today’s future business owners and entrepreneurs need to think of themselves as CEO’s, CFO’s, Chairman of the Board, and even company President of their companies or non-profit. The journey to success begins in the minds of those seeking success and to contribute to the human condition using platforms and tools of technology as foundations that build to success and beyond.

The process of Branding, Networking, strategically positioning yourself, building yourself as a Thought Leader, Content Creator, Innovator, Educator and other positions of influence are establishing realities for the future.

The ability to Market yourself is sometimes dependent on the versatility of your Brand and the diversity of your ability to diversify your intellect and intelligence (there is a difference between intellect and intelligence). Just finding a job is a challenge, a serious challenge with just a high school degree. It is almost impossible with a “certificate of attendance“, that is earned from just attending school, but not completing all the academic requirements to earn and diploma. The goal is to build a career that creates change towards progress and builds a reality in helping others to grow. In the job markets of today no one stays in the same position longer than several years. Employer loyalty has changed where a career of 20, 30 even 40 years is a rarity.

Employees must be “courageous strategists” and crafty in applying new skills at becoming life-long learners. Degrees are important, but so is common sense, application and execution of talents, skills and new found learning. Here are some strategies that help employees grow into careers that are current or not even available today.

1. Define and Build your Personal Brand.

Having a Brand is not optional, each person must establish their personal Brand that builds who they are and what they represent. There is more to it than strength and weakness, there is flexibility, application, execution, networking, leadership, collaboration and cooperation. The list is just as diverse as the thinking of the potential employee needs to be.

2. Build your Foundation.

Building your ‘resume, biography, curriculum vita, digital portfolio and even apply the tools and platforms of LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr, Rebel Mouse, and Instagram. Use diverse platforms and tools to spread your knowledge and to help others.

3. Use your Brand.

Your Brand can communicate online and offline. Networking is important,  getting out and “pressing the flesh” with others so that resources can be shared to build a relationship. Being online is not an option that can be wasted, networking is not for the shy or timid. Being online provides digital identity and can transform your portfolio from being static to dynamic and influential. Each Social Media platform can be leveraged to address demographics, educational levels, gender equality and even the diversity of color and culture.

4. Keep your network alive.

Your real-life and digital networks allow you to dynamically connect with your community and the world. There is more to it than fancy photos, hoping your videos go viral, it is positioning yourself to help others and you to grow. Pay if forward has benefits.

5. Stay Educated.

Learning is important, being a life-long learner means staying abreast of new technologies, understanding the development of Apps, and gaining certifications and degrees. Learning must be an integral part of the growth and development of career professionals. You must know where your =libraries are, museum locations and even cultural events. In today’s society you must have a calendar that grows as you grow in flexibility and ability.

6. Always have a backup or side career.

Being flexible, adaptable and scalable are important to life-long abilities to be flexible in your career options. Depending on your goals and career options side jobs build you to other directions and can open doors to new journeys. Be sure to balance your time and avoid burnout.

7. Be clear on what kind of career you want. Being specific and targeted is important in the direction you want to move. No guessing, prayer does help with deciding which way to go and not to go or who not to go with.

8. Human Resources is not always the best place to go to for hiring. It is a start for your application and other documents, but use your connections, networking and friends to move through the career options you have. Being involved in community and cultural clubs, volunteering, sharing your knowledge and being a mentor helps to expand and improve your influence and how you can be hired.

9. Cultivate Relationships.

Business is about building relationships. Just as countries do not start their business dealings without learning about their competition and collaborations. A foundation for a relationships takes time to grow, so expect to be in dialogue and discussion to build mutual goals and missions. It does help the have lunch, dinner, play golf or bowling. Building for the future can be fun also.

10. Marketing your Brand

No one can market your Brand like you can. You have to be diligent, creative, innovative, and mission driven. Your Brand is you!!!!

11. Do not use your body to gain entrance into your career, it will come back to bite you later. Sexual servitude is not an easy thing to live with mentally, socially, culturally and even religiously. Selling your soul may mean not getting it back and slipping deeper and deeper into a hell with no way out.

12. Relationships do not always have to be sexual.

Don’t believe everything on TV. You may create your own Scandals that transform into an Empire of hate, mistrust, and declaration on the moralities and ethics of life. “Before you climb into bed with anyone make sure you climb into their head first.” William Jackson
Get an understanding where your relationship is going for you and them. Yes there are “benefits with friends,” but will the consequences kill your future happiness and personal dignity?

13. Digital Communication.

Take the time to answer voice mails, emails, texts, faxes and all the ways people communicate with you. Never assume you are so well connected that you can afford to miss the next million dollar venture or an opportunity to contribute to a news story or even advise a political future that could open doors for you. Use resources like HARO – Help A Reporter Out with contributing to developing stories. Share your knowledge and expand your circle of influence and connectivity.


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Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

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