(ThyBlackMan.com) This year’s conference provided dynamic content that was presented by energetic women and men, speakers from diverse walks of life, professions, economic and educational backgrounds. The information shared was relevant to the experiences that the teens and young adults experience on a daily basis.
The teens and young adults were not preached to, thrown unrealistic advice, nor were they talked down to; they were lifted up and inspired to their great potential to grow past their challenges they experience.
Too many of these young people have experienced the death of friends and family members from violence in their respective communities. Too many are facing challenges that seek to redirect them to not achieving their dreams, and they strive for success.
Through perseverance, prayer, purpose and preparation many teens and young adults graduate high school, attend college or start military careers and even start their entrepreneurial journeys as emerging business leaders. Some are single parents, some are seriously dating or married and some are contemplating lifestyle changes. The overall issue is that all of these teens and young adults in our homes, communities, schools, and churches need to be respected, loved, mentored and supported by words and actions.
As a speaker for the third year at the conference I’m always impressed and inspired by these talented and energetic future leaders. Sharing information about the importance of their social media content, why education is valuable, I work to encourage these children of color and culture that, “their digital devices can be their best friend or worst enemy by the content they create and post online.” Social media is just part of the process to build responsible and accountable adults.
What is reinforced about children of color and culture at this conference is that teens and young people have unlimited opportunities to spread their visionary wings and fly. To make transformative changes in their communities, cities, schools, places of worship and the future growth of this nation.
Children of color and culture matter in this nation, they do matter and are valuable.
Parents must work to expose their children to diverse learning opportunities even if their children are in high school and transitioning to higher education, vocational education or military service. Parents must still be the first teacher, the first role model and even the first to discipline with love and respect.
Here are 20 awesome things about the teens and young adults attending Preventing Crime In The Black Community that I want to share.
1. Children of color and culture are just as valuable as any other race.
2. Children of color and culture have the capacity to be scholars and intellectuals if they are supported by their parents.
3. Children of color and culture need to be exposed to reading, literacy and books early in life to develop a love for reading and learning.
4. Children of color and culture embrace diversity faster than non-children of color.
5. Children of color and culture face challenges that are the results of stereotypes and ignorance.
6. Children of color and culture are often faced with being the first generation to attend college or vocational school.
7. Children of color and culture have more opportunities now than in any other time in history to reach their academic and professional goals.
8. Children of color and culture are not all poor, disadvantaged, socio / economically behind.
9. Children of color and culture are intelligent and intellectual. They possess creativity and innovative ideas to improve our world.
10. Children of color and culture have access to community resources that allow them to reach their dreams and grow beyond their imaginations.
11. Children of color and culture have availability to community organizations: Urban League, Boys and Girls Club and other groups that focus on their success.
12. Children of color and culture are influenced by the media that can inspire or create challenges that influence thinking and actions.
13. Children of color and culture are too many times negatively viewed by mainstream media.
14. Children of color and culture must apply for non-traditional careers to grow beyond their comfort levels and traditional careers that families relate to.
15. Children of color and culture must embrace STEAM – STREAM – STEM – CSTEM and STEM2 to compete in a global economy.
16. Children of color and culture must consider all educational options that HBCUs provide and even PWI’s.
17. Children of color and culture must continue to grow into lifelong learners.
18. Children of color and culture are growing past the “glass ceiling,” set by conservatives that do not want others to gain access or privilege.
19. Children of color and culture can envision their lives as important and have meaning in this nation.
20. Children of color and culture can attend, contribute and be involved in conferences, seminars, and workshops that can help achieve their goals in life and with their families.
Preventing Crime In The Black Community Conference 2016
Video Presentation;
Staff Writer; William D. Jackson
Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.
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