Finally Home: How to Land a Job Before Moving to Your Dream Location.

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( Many people have a dream location where they would like to settle down. If you’ve been thinking about where you’d like to live for the rest of your life, or you just want a stable place to retire and enjoy life when your working days are behind you, here’s how to find the perfect job before you make the move.

Tell Your Potential Employer Your Arrival Date

Don’t be shy. Tell your potential employer where and when you’ll be arriving. Many people that relocate find out the hard way that obfuscating the truth usually results in you standing in the unemployment line.

If you can show your prospective employer that you’re serious, he or she might be more willing to grant you an interview. For example, if you’re willing to see new homes in Sarasota, Florida, you could mention that you’re getting a preapproval on a home in the area, and that you’ll be available for an interview while you’re in town.

This kind of a commitment (buying a house, or at least looking at one) is a good sign to an employer. If you’re bothering to look at homes before you’ve even secured a job with his or her company, you’re serious about moving.

Take An Extended Vacation In Your New Home

You could also test the waters by taking an extended vacation in theFamily Moving in to New Home area you want to work. When an employer asks where you’re from, be upfront about it. But also tell him or her that you’re in town visiting with friends and that you’re interested in working for this company.

Most good employers will at least consider interviewing you while you’re in town. If they don’t, they’re probably not great employers to begin with.

Explain Why You’re Moving

If you’re moving from out of state, you have to be understanding of the fact that most people think that’s not normal. Be prepared to explain why you’re moving, and the reasons why the employer should consider you for an interview.

Nix the real reason why you’re moving – beer and the local club scene.

But seriously, you should have a passionate reason why you’re moving – one that can be explained with enthusiasm to your prospective employer. If this is your dream job, explain that. Most employers are flattered when they hear someone else would love the opportunity to work for them.

Build a New Network Of Friends

Everyone has a network of friends and family. When you move, it’s like shaking up the ant farm. You have to start all over again. But, this can be an exciting opportunity for you. Start early, before you even move. Get on Twitter, Facebook, and make friends with your friends’ friends. Reach out to people who live and work in the area where you want to work. Hop on LinkedIn and see if the city or town where you want to live has a group you can connect with.

Be Flexible

Long-distance job hunting can be really hard. You’ll be required to have interviews at weird hours and probably be asked to travel for in-person interviews. You might even have to schedule multiple interviews. Be ready for anything, whether it’s an online video conference or interview, a live interview, or a phone interview.

Unfortunately, you’re swimming upstream. Potential employers are looking at local candidates who will be much easier to access and interview. But, if you’re able to stay above the noise and offer something other candidates can’t, then you have a better chance of getting the job you want.

Staff Writer; Calvin Ferguson