(ThyBlackMan.com) When I was growing up, to even think college was not in the cards was an awful thought for most of us, a thought that would make our parents want to have our heads examined. A college education opened the door to career opportunities and allowed our people to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There will never be another BLACK S-A-E…. I wish there had been one less. My former fraternity broke my heart today. A video was posted allegedly showing members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity’s Oklahoma Kappa chapter chanting a disturbing song evoking images of deep hatred and cruelty that ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Ever since President Bill Clinton apologized for the Tuskegee syphilis “experiment” in 1997, we have heard calls for apologies from the government and individuals for a myriad of transgressions against Black people. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that apologies are highly overrated and mean very ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Just as the commemoration of Bloody Sunday in Alabama gets underway, yet another young unarmed African-American male (Tony Robinson, 19) is gunned down in Madison, Wisconsin by a police officer and we are left to wonder how much has really changed? Have we come a long ways simply because ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A few days ago, I felt moved to post this on Facebook: “You know truth when you see it. Your spirit knows. Stop doubting and over analyzing. Trust your instincts.” It is a simple truth, but one we often need to be reminded of. If you’ve ever second guessed ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) People have ranted and raved about the brilliant and inspirational speech given by President Barack Obama in Selma. I applaud the president’s willingness to speak, and we know that such speeches can serve to inspire those who care about the future of this country. However, it is also important ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Do – or do not. There is no try.” Master Yoda famously said that to Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.” The statement is as profound as it simple. Somebody that Hillary Rodham Clinton respects and listens to needs to speak that exact sentence to her ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Homeless people are people too. One wrong financial mistake, and yes it could happen to you. A man with a good job could be sleeping on a bench made of wood. You say “not me” but oh yes you could. Have you ever looked at a homeless person and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Romper stomper stomper boo, tell me tell me tell me do. Magic mirror tell me today. About this country what should I say? Wow, I just realized old Mr. Rogers was casting spells using a mirror. But anyway, regarding America. You know the Bible says we should get the ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As a writer I’m fascinated by the concept of Body Language as a matter of fact after careful research; it has prompted me to write a new eBook with the same title. Body language is an important tool in our day to day lives. Recognizing other people’s’ body language ...
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