(ThyBlackMan.com) “I’m a Pepper, You’re a Pepper, She’s a Pepper, We’re a Pepper… Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper, too? Be a Pepper – drink Dr. Pepper!” So went the famous Dr. Pepper TV commercial jingle from the late 1970’s. I was 10 years old when singer/actor David Naughton ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Dear Family and Friends, Though you have not confronted me or organized an intervention, I know many of you do not understand why I dislike Obama, vote Republican and joined the Tea Party. Y’all think, Obama is black, we’re black – so, what is my problem? Dad told me ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It saddens my heart that America is still in the wilderness, downtrodden, on the worn path, circling around the mountain. Just as the Israelites. Stuck. Still wrestling with cultural ignorance; still engulfed in the sickness of racial warfare; still wearing badges of mental and emotional abuse; still covered by ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) From Tarzan to Thor, Captain America to Superman to the golden haired, blue-eyed Jesus, “white saviors” have been presented as rescuers of the African American people from all our troubles and struggles. It seems we have forgotten that many of those very same struggles have been created and initiated ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Baltimore and Ferguson, symbolically represent the failure of liberalism throughout the U.S. Liberalism has been weighed in the balances and has been found wanting. Liberalism has been tried in the court of public opinion and now it’s time for its public sentencing. As I am fond of saying, when ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In the 1970’s Saturday Night Live did a spoof on razor commercials, after the double-bladed razor came out. The commercial went something like this: “You have felt how easy your double bladed razor glides over your face and gives you a close shave. Well, now we have an even ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Ms. Toya Graham is receiving her days of fame amidst the Baltimore City riots. Many news reporters and media sources are referring to her as “Supermom” but, is she? As a mother I completely understand Graham’s concern about her 16 year old son being amongst rioters who are in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s a lot going on right now. That’s true whether you’re young or elderly; politically active or not; black or white or neither; rich, poor, or in-between. There are huge developments currently in the U.S. of A. The 2015 NFL Draft is underway. This is the time of year ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Social media is saturated into the life of every American. Everyone with an opinion has the chance to voice it, and occasionally those opinions are venomous or downright destructive. While American society is often lauded as the ideal in an oppressive and harsh world, the majority of youthful African ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We have been blessed by the Father with strong, beautiful, brilliant, brave Black men….Brothers. Without our brothers, we could not survive. Without our brothers, we would not have our children. Without our brothers, our race would be no more. We need our brothers. As we know, our brothers are ...
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