Moves for Men: Everyday Ways to Ease Your Back Pain.

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( Back pain is a bane to many. Why is it some guys, in their early twenties, have to move around like old men, hunched over and discomforted by back pain? It’s because once you hurt or injure your back, just about any movement is difficult, and some are left writhing in pain just from bending over. However, you don’t have to live with pain at any age. Try a few moves to ease back tension and strengthen your muscles.

Machine Hypertension

Weakness of the muscles may be one reason you’re susceptible to back pain and injury. A number of exercises target the lower back, and the machine hypertension movement is one of the best. Set the machine’s resistance, sit down, and rock your body backward while keeping the back stationary, using the muscles in the lower back to move the machine’s bar. Do this in a controlled motion without jerking your body.   Remember to maintain a steady motion while moving back to an upright position (negative resistance).

Trunk Extension

A trunk extension involves hooking your heels into an apparatus, leaning forward, and slowly lifting your upper body. It’s important to keep control while rising upward so you do not injure the back. Some, once used to the exercise, hold weight against their chest for added resistance. Like the exercise above, move in a steady, controlled motion free of jerking and twisting the torso.

Abdominal Curls

A simple core exercise, this maximises the abdominal muscles while lessening the compression strain on the lower back. The lower back and the abdominals are closely connected; stronger abs leads to better support of the lower back. Lay flat on the ground with your knees in the air and lift your upper torso forward. Keep your head looking upward and beyond the knees, and reach out with your fingers extended.

Side Bridge

As stated, strengthening the abdominals also supports the lower back. To perform the side bridge, face sideways, put your elbow on the floor with your arm perpendicular to your body. Hold the motion as long as you can while keeping your oblique muscles tense (Your obliques are on the side of your abdominals, often called the “love handles.”) Of course, if you’re working out with a trainer, be verbal regarding what makes you feel uncomfortable. Go to if you’re injured by a trainer, on the job, or during an accident.

The Plank

The plank is a great exercise that strengthens the lower back, obliques, and the abdominal muscles. Lay on the floor, resting your elbows on the ground while keeping your body raised with your toes. Keep your back straight or a bit arched upward while maintaining the pose as long as possible. This gives your lower body a great stretch in addition to building muscle. For beginners, try to maintain the pose for about thirty seconds as you attempt to keep the pose longer as you reach new plateaus.

Watch Your Weight

Exercising is great for building muscle and burning fat, but you must keep a close watch on your weight if you have back issues. Extra weight on your body adds stress to your frame and back. Those who are obese or grossly overweight likely have back problems because the back is not designed to deal with so much stress.

Staff Writer; Carrie Farmer