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( On Friday, I went to see “Addicted” so I could write my movie review. I read the book several years ago when it first came out, and Zane became a very popular author among Black Women, so I knew we would be seeing this movie in droves. Before the movie premiered I would see countless posts about it in my facebook feed, and on other sites about how  Black Women were so excited to see this movie.

With “Scandal”, “Being Mary Jane” and now “How To Get Away With Murder” and “Addicted”, it seems that as Black Women, we can’t wait to see movies or shows where adultery is showcased and the Black Woman is either the mistress or she is guilty of adultery.  That says a lot about us asgroupofyoungblackwomen-2014  Black Women that we are so eager to see us play the role of a whore or one that is unfaithful.   

During the movie(and the theater was packed, even for a matinee)the women were very talkative throughout the movie, especially the sex scenes, a lot of vulgar comments were made, and throughout the commentary, I didn’t hear one Black Woman say how wrong the character was for cheating on her husband.  Instead the comments were focused on the “sexy men” she was sleeping with.
Zane’s Addicted..Why Black Women are “Addicted” to Immorality.


I’ve had a few people inform me that yoga is a spiritual practice, its no different from religion they say. You have to chat to a god that you don’t know, its a form of worships I’ve been told and many beckon others to stay far away from the practice of yoga. Interest how quick we are as human beings to dismiss anything that has the potential to relax us, return us back to our original selves or bring clarity to our mind. I’ve heard yoga defined as many things and with a short google search you will find the same so today I’d love to share my experiences of allowing myself to become one with my yoga practice.

For myself yoga has been an inner awakening experience. I’ve been upon my spiritual journey for as long as I can remember, a lifetime perhaps. In the past I’ve done my share of studies like many by spending countless hours online searching various paths, reading numerous books from a variety of authors and watching youtube videos only to end up back at the starting line: facing myself.

Yoga Is My Birthright, I’m Done With The Gym!