Say It or Slay It: Three Things you Can Do to Move Your Dreams into Reality.

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( In his New York Times best-selling book The Charge, Brendon Burchard writes that people generally live one of three types of life: caged, comfortable and charged. Those who live a caged life are trapped in a tight box of beliefs about what is possible for them. The comfortable are those who have reached a level of success but have grown stale. The charged person, however, is living his or her truth and actualizing his or her potential!

I would venture to say that the ‘charged’ person is one who understands the power of a dream; who believes that words are powerful.  Watch what you ‘say’.  If you say something and say it with feeling and power, you can literally bring that into existence.  Speak what it is you want and believe you can have it. When you do this, a force moves into action that is unmatched in intensitydream-and-reality and intention.  With words, you either ‘slay’ your dreams or you ‘say’ them – speak them – and they will manifest.  Here are the three steps to make that happen:

Visualize – see it

In this embryonic stage you must obtain a blueprint of what it is you desire.  This is where your ideal is given birth; where you put it on paper but believe it with every fiber of your being. Whatever your mind can conceive – about you, your world and your place in it – it is crafted here. But you must see it – even when no one else does!  It’s your vision, even as it is coming into evolution.

Idealize – detail it

This is where your ideal begins to take flight, it begins to blossom, like a rose. Details, once sketchy, now come into focus.  You know what you want and you begin to see what it looks like. Your ideal comes alive with colors, shapes, size etc. You begin to imagine it more clearly and even time and space become irrelevant – because your dream is in the process of birthing.

Materialize – live it

The first two stages are simple compared to this third and final stage.  This is where most people give up; this is where they lose faith, because the idea is ready for launching – but the holder of the ideal is short on faith!  Things are not moving fast enough for you!  But you must be patient! Materialization is where you say, ‘I receive that which I asked for in faith’; it is at this point that you release your ideal into the Universe and trust that your blessing will return to you tenfold.

Visualize – see it. Idealize – detail it. Materialize – live it.

Do these three things and your dreams will move into reality!


Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes
This talented brother is also founder of a Non-Profit Support Group for Fathers; Their Eyes Were Watching Daddy.
One may also visit his person website at;