HBCU’s: Preparing Teachers in the 21st Century.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) HBCU’s have made enormous strides in education; preparing, qualifying, certifying and empowering young men and women that have chosen teaching as their choice of career. Either by personal choice, family heritage or passion for helping youth; educators and education are unquestionably the foundation for any progressive society to succeed.

Since the explosion of industrialization and automation of industry, educators have trained, guided and mentored the workforce that allows this nation to be a global leader. Without educators no society can be productive, progressive and embrace a paradigm for reforms to improve the lifestyles and living conditions of its people.

Education at HBCU’s has at times been viewed as nontraditional because the focus being on skills and skill sets of service. Preparing students of color to perform duties and services that enabled them to be of value in a society that struggles with accepting Blacks in positions of leadership not servitude. HBCU’s have and are modernizing and adapting as the career structures change. The development of industrialization, automation and technology requires HBCU’s to adapt how they teach future educators. JoshSaywerWilliamJacksonBradSmisteckfromMIE

During my participation in the two day event of Microsoft Innovative Educators training opened my eyes wider to the broader world of Educational Technology and Teacher Training.

It is paramount that educational institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities incorporate ways to integrate technologies that empower future educators, preparing them to infuse  instructional strategies that incorporate dynamic technologies and align their instruction with standards, Common Core, Benchmarks that ensure Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) of students.

New terminologies, educational code switching in instruction, adaptable nomenclature and the infusion of new applications, technological advancements, differential instruction and methodologies of teaching are vital along with understanding 21st century skills of digital literacy, facilitation of teaching with cross-curricular methods of instruction, digital citizenship,
and STEAM. The immersion of STEAM; Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics is a multidisciplinary and cross curricular instructional design that must be addressed and discussed, if not taught. HBCU’s must have educational programs that teach ho w to integrate STEAM not just what the letters mean. 

HBCU’s must take every opportunity to provide real world and realistic instruction to its students. Using certified and seasoned higher educational instructors, even collaboration with local school districts and industry, science and medicine. Students need mentors and role models to demonstrate the necessary skill sets to be successful.

HBCU’s have adapted and modified their instruction process to meet the needs of changing educational reforms. Obtaining an education changes life’s priorities and the importance of service, dedication to a cause, social responsibility and accountability. HBCU graduates enhance communities they live in and where born in. They are sometimes the first generation college graduates that bring a ray of hope and even an avenue of escape from poverty. Education has been an area of HBCU focus for years and continues to influence thousands across this nation with the results of its teachers in thousands of classrooms.

HBCU’s must continue to instill in their students that learning is a lifelong endeavor. Students of Color in order to compete and to be of value must seek knowledge, understanding, and increased skill sets that will take them into and beyond the 22nd century. HBCU’s contribute to building qualified educators that will influence generations. The cultural, societal, and intellectual growth that Historically Black Colleges and Universities provides is immeasurable to the improvement of not just Children of Color, but the increase of non-traditional students of other cultures and races.

HBCU’s are vital and important to the nurturing, cultivation, promotion and development of future educators. I was the only Black male involved in the Microsoft Innovative Educators training, but my preparation started from my educational foundation of higher education at an HBCU. The foundation helped me to achieve my goals of a Masters of Education degree
in Educational Technology and involved in STEAM as an Engineering and Technology teacher.

I encourage other Students of Color and Educators of Color to continue to learn how to integrate technology and technical tools that allow the growth of Children of Color to be productive and contributory in society.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

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