(ThyBlackMan.com) George Zimmerman Supporters are insisting that anyone who points out racism as a component of the Zimmerman verdict is a race-baiter, while at the same time suggesting that we accept out of hand that because Trayvon Martin was a young Black male, Zimmerman was justified in his assumption that he constituted a threat to the community. How is that not racism?
More evidence of a racist mind-set is the fact that most George Zimmerman supporters are blindly accepting the murderer’s version of events – a murderer, I might add, who has been caught in several inconsistencies, and refused to explain how he got to his gun under the scenario that he described. How do they justify that?
If a guy is arrested for shooting someone in an alley, would they blindly accept the murderer’s word that the victim attacked him? If so, what’s to prevent every murderer from claiming that he was being attacked? Thus, if every murderer was treated with the same level of deference that George Zimmerman was treated, the only way to convict anyone of murder would be with an independent eye witness ( http://www.thestate.com/2013/07/10/2856356/sc-supreme-court-stops-murder.html ).
We have no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Trayvon Martin did any of the things that Zimmerman claimed. Yet, George Zimmerman supporters are claiming that we have to prove George Zimmerman guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Well, it had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman initiated a chain of events that ended in the death of an innocent kid. Thus, the murder had been proven, so it was up to Zimmerman to prove that there were mitigating circumstances that made the murder of an unarmed child justified.
In addition, even if Trayvon Martin did get into an altercation with Zimmerman, didn’t Trayvon Martin have a right to defend himself against a man who
1). stalked him,
2). weighed 40 pounds more than he did,
3). unjustifiably approached him at night,
4). didn’t identify himself, and
5). didn’t have any visible sign of authority? All of those factors made Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense ridiculously flawed.
But in spite of all that, instead of holding George Zimmerman accountable for his reckless behavior, they convicted Trayvon Martin – who was guilty of nothing more criminal than going to the store – of not being able to prove he had a right to live. How is that not racism?
TO FORD I agree with you but we must understand how we got here and that was by playing one group off the other we just got a clear demonstration of this. RACISM is the trump card they are able play because we as a nation are unable to admit we are a racist people.
YOU tell me what other reason do AL SHARPTON and JESSE JACKSON exist for other than to stir the pot of racism that is always just below the surface.
I have to say that I think we got pass this one they actually wanted race riots and footage of black mobs attacking whites and they did not get it and that is a good thing
…Robert and Eric. I don’t think we are on our way to being a police state…it has already happened. When obama can use the IRS to fuck us up we are in big fucking trouble. When obama and holder can bring the full weight of the US government against one man, after a jury found him not guilty, we are in big fucking trouble. When obama unleashes twelve to thirty million instant voting supporters on us we as a nation are fucked. We are turning into another Russia. You won’t have guns, Robert, unless you become one of them. Instead of being a nation of laws we are about to be a nation of lawlessness. You have interracial family, Eric, that was not forced by some slave holder but by people who found each other attractive. How do you explain to them the hew and cry directed against whites via Zimmerman? Not all whites of course….just those who are conservative. But eating shit is still eating shit.
I see no point to argue who are the racists, you all ready know, so let’s look at what happened. The Stanford City Police Department, in my opinion, played the pivotal role in setting up the the case to fail. Weather through incompetence or deliberate design. There was testimony that they failed to follow generally accepted crime scene procedures, (1) no toxicology test for the shooter but one for the victim. (2) Allowing the victim’s body to remain in the rain for hours, while the rain washed blood, wounds, fingerprints and DNA. (3) Permitted GZ to go home to consult with his police friend before he gave his Post crime interview. (3) Did not review the last telephone call (ear witness) made by Trayvon to coincide with Eye witness testimony. (4) What’s up with GZ drawing his weapon safety off, from a rear belt holster and placing a perfect kill shot while he was laying on his back, head being repeatedly slammed against the edge of a concrete sidewalk. (5) Holding the body as a john-doe for 3 days, while is parents repeatedly inquired about a black youth gone missing. I can’t imagin a member of my household missing after a murder in the neighborhood happening around the same time my household member walked to the store.
TO ERIC. IF you had done a little research in to OBAMAS donors prior to voting for him you would have found those[MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS] who are trying to destroy us. NO person in AMERICA can claim to be free from racism black or white this latest TRAYVON/ZIMMERMAN incident proves this.
I have had numerous black people tell me they only voted for OBAMA because he was black is that not racism. MYSELF who freely admit to being a black racist did not and do not support OBAMA ;I could have supported the tribe and voted for the brother but I didn’t because I did my research and I determined that OBAMA was not good for us as a people or a nation and I did not allow my racist views to cloud my judgment.
I have said before AMERICA is a inherently racist nation if you were born here and been in her schools and viewed her media and participated in normal life in this nation you are a RACIST and there is nothing you can do about but admit it and then you can fix it.
I learned many years ago to stop thinking in terms of Black people and white people and think, instead, in terms of good people against bad people. All racists are a problem to society, and Black racists are just as big a problem as White racists, because they both keep us separated and prevent us from recognizing that we are currently knee-deep in a CLASS war.
Race is merely a strategy to divide and conquer. So what racist idiots fail to realize is the social manipulators don’t care any more about poor and middle class White people than they do Black people, women, or gays. Their end game is to keep us divided, and distracted to the point that we fail to realize that they’re creating a corporate feudalist society, and their ultimate goal is to low the American standard of living to conform to a standard that’s being set in the new global economy – period. In short, multinational corporations are trying to enslave us all.
That’s interesting, Robert.
I’ll follow up on it.
TO BRO ERIC I forgot to mention to go to the website BREAKING BROWN .COM and view the pictures of ZIMMERMAN after his arrest!
TO . BRO ERIC if you remember the police never wanted to charge ZIMMERMAN in the first place in fact they released him only to charge him latter after the protest. ALSO very basic things were not explored by the prosecution such as it is not policy of neighborhood watch groups to be armed and therefore ZIMMERMAN could not claim he was acting on their behalf . TO make a long story short what we witnessed was a show trial a prosecutor fresh out of college could have gotten a conviction and put this man in prison for the rest of his life. THE investigation now is on ZIMMERMANS dad who turns out to be a rich JEWISH judge who is very well connected politically. JUST with what we know so far any lawyer can go back and have that verdict vacated tomorrow .