Rev. Al Sharpton: The Very Public Midlife Crisis Of A Viagravated Media Whore Moonlighting as A Civil Rights Leader!

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( I can’t take it anymore.

I can’t keep quiet for another second.


Come on people! What in the hell is wrong with Rev. Al Sharpton?

I know that many of us will have major issues in our marriages to separate and sometimes eventually divorce. But when in “transition” in your personal life as a public figure, people will judge you on how you carry yourself even though they are instructed in the Bible directly not to judge anyone!

Our so called “leaders” are held to a higher standard in all areas of their lifeRevAl-Sharpton-and-Aisha even if technically It’s none of our business. What they do and who they sleep with is an area that will come under under close scrutiny in this age of Social Media and no one can escape its omnipotent presence.

So now Rev. Al Sharpton is under the very spotlight that he loves but for reasons that he seems to want to remain silent on. He has been seen at many black tie events across the country in recent months with a very attractive Black woman named Aisha McShaw who at 35 years old is 23 years his junior.

While she publicly claims to be a personal stylist, her LinkedIn profile page states that she works in financial services as a personal banker at Wells Fargo.

While attending the New York County Democratic Committee Award Ceremony recently with Rev. Al Sharpton, Aisha, while standing alone for a moment, was asked by a New York Daily News writer to define their relationship, she replied by saying “I’m his girlfriend.” But just as quick as she blurted that out Reverend Al returned and quickly escorted her away from the reporter so nothing more could be revealed. Why get secretive now Al? You knew that all eyes would be on you and her before you arrived there, especially arriving with a pretty hot young “thang” like Aisha!

It goes to show you, that no matter how high some men go up in status in the world, that they still get that rush when associated when having an attractive woman on their arm!

Money, power and influence just might have a lot to do with it more than anything that Rev. Al Sharpton did, even if he might be popping Viagra (grown man Skittles) to keep up with his crush. Hey, maybe this is the REAL reason why he lost so much weight because he has been so “Viagravated” in recent months!

None of my business? Pretty much not.

But when you call yourself a Baptist Minister then how does your congregation feel about you dating someone when you are still legally married to your first wife Kathy Lee Jordan to whom you’ve had 24 years of marriage?

As a an extremely public figure who professes to live a life following the example of Jesus Christ, what kind of mess is this that you are going on with Al?

Now look, I’m as real a guy as you could ever talk to, but if you are going to try to “get a little” or even go for the next level (Which obviously he already has) in a serious relationship with this fine looking woman then go ahead and do the right thing and “clean house” before you bring anyone else into your very public world!

You HAVE been separated from your wife since 2004 so come ON already!

It doesn’t matter that you are loved by many and hated by a few, don’t give any one of the naysayers an opportunity to say that their opinion of you as some jive turkey ambulance chaser in a pimp suit is the truth. It’s already bad enough that many are saying that you are an agent for the government and actually wore wiretaps for them many decades ago in official criminal investigations.

But as much as many in the so called mainstream media dislike The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for his speaking out boldly over the years without fear to the establishment, they could NEVER say that his commitment to a higher standard and personal life was suspect because of his wayward relationship with a woman who wasn’t his wife.

Come on Rev. Al Sharpton! If Aisha McShaw is good enough to parade around at these very public bashes where the paparazzi lurk like roaches in a slimy uptown ghetto fried fish joint then divorce your wife and MARRY the woman dammit! Be an example to the world that you had the balls to at least try to live an upstanding life in this sensitive area of your public existence.

This alone is showing me more about his character than anything else that he’s ever done in his public life. Love him or hate him you have to admit that he pulled off the ultimate hat trick in reinventing himself to become a force politically and made lots of money doing it. Money from being a Television New Anchor with MSNBC and Syndicated Radio Show, the founder and President of The National Action Network, a book deal with Cash Money Records and a fine woman who is YOUR personal stylist (Not just the hair either I’m figuring) is the ULTIMATE cure for a midlife crisis!

If the truth be told I actually have NO problem with a Brother getting paid, but keep your game tight because the world is watching and if you are NOT on point with how you stand in a dignified manner publicly it is so easy to have your credibility shot DOWN!

But it remains to be seen what the next chapter in the book of the life of Rev. Al Sharpton may read like, but one thing’s for sure, he has absolutely no problem with doing it in a BIG way!

So tell me people, in YOUR opinion, is the Reverend Al Sharpton a true Black Leader or just another modern day self appointed government backed and subsidized Pimp Preacher who profits off of the pain and suffering of the downtrodden merely for the very much worldly and carnal perks?

Staff Writer; Lance Scurvin
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