(ThyBlackMan.com) This past Sunday on Meet the Press, the presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said the following, “Latinos, women and young people — that is the new governing coalition.” OUCH. To be sure, there are Black folk in each of those categories. But since President Obama’s victory on Election Day, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It was hardly a surprise that Obama received 95% of the Black vote, or that he garnered 71% of Latino support, but 75% of the Asian vote! I thought they were supposed to be the “ideal minority,” the backhanded compliment that politicians, the media and demographers label Asian Americans with. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Kevin Garnett of the NBA Boston Celtics, though a highly-talented and well-paid athlete, with all due respect needs to stop degrading his Black community; as well, the Black community must resolutely stop “accepting” disrespect from within by people like KG even though he is a poster child of success ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So recently on Twitter, Amber Rose said that she “loves it when Wiz calls her his baby mama because it makes her feel ratchet and she likes it.” One of the definitions of the word ratchet according to the Urban Dictionary is: (adjective) a term for someone that is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you’ve been in the dating field for any length of time now, you’ve seen them. We all know a few. And they’re everywhere. They’re at church; they’re at school. They’re at the bank working as tellers; they’re even up in the glass towers of corporate America. Some of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) On November 6th a large percentage of the Ron Paul supporters (10% of the GOP electorate) in the primary season exited the corrupt GOP voting process, stayed home, watched our television screens (like I did) and followed through with our warning to the GOP establishment. No Paul = No ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The problem with having a deadline at the end of the week, is that you miss the opportunity to weigh in on things, such as an election, that happens on a Tuesday. It is almost torture when you consider the possibilities face us on November 7 and beyond. I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In what area of your life have you contemplated giving up lately?  It crosses the minds of even the most tenacious – I’ve been there. And this week, I feel led to encourage you to hang in there.  I know, I know. You’re tired.  You thought things would have taken ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Dr. Wayne Dyer describes people as eagles and ducks. With a majority of Americans voting to give the undeserving Obama a second term, I felt like the odd-man-out voting against him. It occurred to me that I have a history of being odd-man-out, not in sync with the thinking ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) While browsing the web this morning I came across an article written by Dr. Boyce Watkins blaring, “Cornel West Says that Sharpton, Dyson are “Up for Sale”: Let’s Talk about That One, Shall We?” My first reaction was, “Hmmmm, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson must have gotten a new job.” ...