(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me preface this first by saying I am no economist, but I was blessed in the 10th grade to learn economy from my teacher Dr. Moyer. He was my home room teacher also. Now I attempt to read anywhere from 20 to 30 newspapers around the world to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Article in response to; Allen West A True Gentleman. Got to count to ten and say a couple of “Woosahs” before my pressure goes sky high. Just had my eyes completely offended reading drivel posted by a (self-hating) black, GOP(operative). The only thing that is worse than a self ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Have you noticed that the more you grow in the knowledge of the Lord, and the more you desire to do His will, the more alone you begin to feel? You begin to feel separated from the world, as if you don’t belong. For me, it appeared, even my ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve run across many people that seem to think that having a job is the best way to create financial stability. I’m aware that it’s a common idea, but it always floors me when I hear it. Owning a business and having passive income are much better ways to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Disagreement can be a healthy exercise if it is done in a way that stimulates thinking and provokes individuals to reconsider their perspectives in light of hearing alternative arguments. When varying points of view are debated passionately, and opposing sides are forced to listen, it can enlarge public understanding ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) While I generally refrain from the frivolous use of what has come to be called “the N-word“, I only do it in deference to the sensibilities of Black people who have made the abolishment of “The N-word” (I feel silly even writing it) a major issue in their lives. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is also Democratic National Committee chair, suggested that the nasty email she got from her state’s Republican counterpart Allen West, responding to her attack on him in the House of Representatives, resulted from him being “under pressure.” Of course, Allen West is under ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I wrote to you recently about the scheduled meeting today between President Barack Obama the presidents of the NAACP and Urban League. Marc Morial and Ben Jealous got together with the president in a situation that is eerily similar to the meeting the three had with Rev. Al Sharpton ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Although family vacations take place throughout the summer, we’re just entering the weeks that seem most common for an extended family getaway. Kids’ summer activities and sports schedules typically take a break for a few weeks, and a new school year is on the horizon. If you’re approaching your ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Fitness doesn’t just happen. It’s rarely ever an accident. People who tend to be healthier and fitter than others take particular, and deliberate, steps to ensure that, overall, they live a more ideal and beneficial lifestyle. Here are the top 5 things that most fit people have in common: ...
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