Daddies Maybe…

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( When an unplanned pregnancy occurs, sometimes both parents feel that they are unprepared for parenthood.  In this case both may agree to give up their rights to raise a child and choose adoption as an alternative.   In most cases when this does occur, the acknowledgement of both parents is required if the whereabouts of both parties are known.

Then on the other hand the father may not be given the chance to decide.  This is the case with, John Wyatt.  While watching the national morning news I learned of Wyatt’s fight for his little girl.

Wyatt and his girlfriend were both 19 at the time of his daughter’s birth.  Even at the age of 19 he was still excited about being a father.  News accounts have  reported that while Wyatt was arriving at the hospital to visit with his newborn, others were quietly leaving with her.  It turns out the mother gave their daughter up for adoption without his consent.

Today Wyatt is still fighting to regain rightful custody of his child.  Yes I said regain, since he is the biological father with natural, full rights and privileges as a parent, even though these rights have been swept under the rug.

When Wyatt obtained a lawyer it was too late.  His child was in Utah and under Utah law he had only 20 days to file for custody.  Sadly Utah’s Supreme Court ruled against Wyatt, stating he failed to exercise his parental rights.  However, according to court documents John Wyatt was awarded legal permanent custody issued by a Virginia Court dated December 11, 2009, ordering Baby Emma to be returned home immediately.  Obviously this ruling was blatantly ignored by the opposing parties, even the courts.

This case is such a sad one.  From my research it appears that the mother, the adoption agency, the adoptive parents and definitely the courts did not bother to consider the father’s role or feelings in making such a serious decision.

Naturally some questions and even debate may arise as to rather or not the biological father has legal rights to prevent the adoption of a child he clearly wants in his life.  One would think that legally he would be awarded all rights due to him.  Especially if it’s proven that he is fit and able to raise a child. 

Yes even John Wyatt at the age of 19 had the right to be a part of his daughter’s life.  Instead the opportunity to stand up to the plate and be a man, was snatched from his grasp.

In some instances you have fathers that want nothing to do with their offspring, but here you have a young man who was denied the opportunity to be a part of his child’s life, even while fighting for it.  Let’s hope and pray that the court’s choice to ignore the documents will be changed in favor of John Wyatt.

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Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

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