(ThyBlackMan.com) Whether it is politics, the sports arena or general labor disputes, the analogy comparing modern labor disputes with the permanent stain of slavery just keep coming. The latest comparison was made by HBO’s Real Sports anchor Bryant Gumbel who said that NBA commissioner David Stern was some kind of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What does the word “minority” mean? Why do we call ourselves “minorities?” And why do Latinos and Asians also do the same? Minority means “less than 50%.” Majority means “more than 50%.” If whites are but 20% of the world’s population, how then can Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Native ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Travel through any metropolitan city like DC or Atlanta, and you are likely to see an assortment of luxury vehicles from Mercedes and BMWs to Bentleys and Maseratis most driven by African Americans.  Even in some of the most distressed urban neighborhoods it is not uncommon to see high ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I watched curiously as Bryant Gumbel, host of “Real Sports,” referred to NBA Commissioner David Stern as a “modern day overseer.”   The comments rocked the world, probably more so than anything Gumbel has ever said in the past.  Based on Bryant Gumbel’s remarks over the years, I quietly suspect that beneath the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) No other people in the world have the ugly history with a nation as African descendants with America. We were once property and instead of becoming truly free, we allowed ourselves to be duped into a game of make believe, pretending to be free, but having none of the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The unemployment rate among African-American men will increase dramatically next month thanks to the NBA lockout, because the league and the players union have failed to renegotiate their agreement about the split of basketball revenues. The owners want a 50-50 split of profits on ticket sales, TV rights, souvenir and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) You stare in the mirror at the aching arms, busted lip and bruised ego.  The constant apologies have now fallen on death ears.  The only reason you are still here is to keep your family intact.  You finally have to admit that you are a victim and you should ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) At a press conference in Trenton on October 4, New Jersey governor Chris Christie announced that he would not pursue the Republican nomination for president of the United States.  He made the right decision.  Christie’s political star and presidential hopes had been on the rise for weeks prior as ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The political nation has gone crazy with the emergence of one Herman Cain as a legitimate candidate for the Republican nod for President. He is even leading in various straw polls across the country. He has now become more of an interesting character in the media since most people don’t ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For the last 15 years rap has evolved from mafia rap of the mid-late 90’s, rap records for the charts in the early 2000’s, and snap music of the mid 2000’s. In the midst of all of that, Shawn Corey Carter, better known as Jay Z, had remained a ...