Mitt Romney, GOP man scares me…

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( I like Mitt Romney.  I do.  In fact, how can anyone help liking him?  A vigorous man in the Goldilocks prime of his life — not too young to scare the electorate by his lack of experience, not too old to worry about the onset of decrepitude.  A man of indisputably high intelligence and great experience, with an enviable resume.  A devoted family man with a wonderful wife and five strapping sons.  A man of unimpeachable moral character with not a whiff of scandal ever attaching to him (what a relief after that paragon of supersized appetite, Bill Clinton!).

The son of a self-made man who rose from humble origins to become governor of Michigan, his entire life is an open book, which is a guarantee that no scandal is lurking in his past to rear its ugly head at an opportune moment of the opposition’s choosing (what a relief after that man of impenetrable mystery,  Barack Obama!).  A fabulously successful businessman and a noted turn-around specialist, who made his fortune the old-fashioned way — by earning it.  The wizard of Salt Lake City, who took over the floundering, scandal-ridden U.S. Olympics in Utah, cleaned it up, and achieved a signal success — under his leadership, the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah became one of the most successful Olympic Games ever held in the U.S.

An effective Republican governor of the bluest-of-the-blue state of Massachusetts who imposed fiscal discipline on the Democrat-controlled legislature by skillfully wielding his veto power.  A persistent campaigner, who took his lumps in the previous electoral cycle, dusted himself off, and kept on doggedly pursuing his presidential dream, constantly improving his debating and campaigning skills.  What’s not to like?

Why, then, do I cringe at the thought of Mitt Romney as the next U.S. president?  Is it his numerous flip-flops?  There is no denying that he has changed his views on practically all important issues and made it a habit of trimming his sails to suit the prevailing winds, slavishly following the contortions of social and political fashion.  It almost seems as if he starts his day by studying the latest public opinion surveys and adjusts his position to keep in step with the reigning views du jour.  He puts one in mind of the proto-socialist French politician, Alexandre Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874), known for his famous dictum: “There go the people.  I must follow them, for I am their leader.”  (Sort of like President Obama’s formula of “leading from behind.”)

Finish story over at; AmericanThinker – Mitt Romney Scares me, etc.

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