The HistoryMakers: Enter the Classroom!

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( The state of Texas in 2010, mandated that history books be rewritten and would reflect the conservative views of Republicans. Despite school districts, and states failing the black community specifically in education, there are numerous organizations taking on responsibilities of teaching black youth  about their history. The HistoryMakers organization and 500 esteemed trailblazers will convene in classrooms this Friday to reinforce the importance of African American History.

The Founder/Executive Director, Julianna Richardson, of the HistoryMakers  says, “We are sitting on a huge repository of African American history in the educational world.”

The HistoryMakers is the nation’s largest African American video oral history archive which consists of 2,000 videotaped histories of well known and unsung African Americans.

The digital archive is free of charge to all public schools. Academic settings use [HistoryMakers] the website as a black encyclopedia,” Julianna Richardson says to

This year the HistoryMakers organization will step into classrooms on September 23rd, in numerous schools across the country and abroad. Their 2nd Annual Back to School initiative theme is: “COMMIT.”  This one day program is designed to bring renewed attention to the needs of the educational system and its students in 200 schools and 37 states.

 Speakers who will enter classrooms include, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, Senior Advisor to the President of the United States Valerie B. Jarrett, Ambassador Andrew Young, Entertainer & Author Common and  Activist &Talk Show Host the Rev. Al Sharpton. All participants involved will reinforce the importance of students learning their history, speaking about their own lives, and acknowledging that achieving more than previous generations is doable.

The HistoryMakers archive is available to anyone. “People definitely should visit the website,” Julianna Richardson tells, 

The HistoryMakers website and archive features an array of African Americans who have influenced society and culture.

The project is dear to the founder; she adds, “This project is profound to me. It has made my life so much richer. There are stories that I have read that I can identify with too.”

The project began in the early part of the 21st century and has set a precedent in the world of publishing, documenting, and digital archiving for education and public access.

As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

The HistoryMakers organization is making sure that they are take this quote seriously by implementing educational programs in schools for African American students. If you are interested in learning about your history, or know of a child who could benefit from the HistoryMakers digital archive visit:

Associate Editor; kYmberly Keeton

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