Obama Presidential Campaign, The 2012 Lunacy and Barackracy…

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The Obama Presidential Campaign Newsletter has asked Americans to support Barack Obama by putting the  new “Obama 2012” sticker on their car. I can just see Americans eyeing one another, and thinking, “You first“! It may be a bit premature to back any particular candidate; there really isn’t a presidential candidate that has captured the heart of voters, including Obama. With so much lunacy and controversy within the current presidential campaign, Americans just aren’t sure. According to Real Clear Politics, The top five GOP candidates are at the following numbers, Rick Perry 23%, Mitt Romney 16%, Ron Paul 5%, Michelle Bachmann 7% and Newt Gingrich at 7%. Obama averages  a 42% approval rating between the Gallup Poll, Rasmussen Reports and CBS News/New York Times. His disapproval rating is currently averaging at 53%.

Obama is dispraised  for not truly running a Democratic presidency and  negotiating too much with Republicans. He has also been condemned for neglecting the needs of Middle Class America by ignoring poverty and unemployment rates , yet catering to businesses and possibly special interest groups. His new Jobs Plan didn’t really produce a home run either.  Yet luckily for him, his potential opponents are not without flaws. The Golden GOP candidate changes from week to week. And no particular candidate has shown enough horse power for the 2012 nomination.

Rick Perry has been recently criticized for issuing an executive order back in 2007, to mandate the HPV vaccine for young girls that would ultimately prevent them from having cervical cancer. According to his opponent Michele Bachmann, the vaccine may potentially cause mental retardation. The vaccine would have been reckless and unethical had it been issued to 11 and 12 year old girls. Perry did  admit that this was a mistake. But he felt that preventing cancer was a key motivator for his agenda.  Also, Merck, the pharmaceutical giant that would have profited from and issued this vaccine,  is the same company Perry’s former chief of staff has lobbied. Merck has also donated $6,000 to Perry’s campaign funding. Not only was Perry scrutinized for potentially violating personal liberties and rights, he has been accused of possibly exercising crony capitalism, which may explain the authenticity behind such an executive order. If the issuance of this vaccine became mandatory, who knows how much Perry would have potentially gained in funding. While Bachmann’s accusations are controversial, Americans just can’t seem to ignore the ethics behind it.

Romney’s crime of the decade, is simply just being super wealthy, possibly out of touch and pretty much adhering to the same old sound bites from the GOP. But most recently, he made a  joke by informing Americans that he was amongst the unemployed. It did not go over well with many Americans, especially those who are actually unemployed and underemployed as the country endures a financial crisis, one that may potentially worsen. Romney’s wealth versus the bottom 40% making less than 22,000 a year is no laughing matter.

Ron Paul is the lone candidate of the GOP, that feels that America holds some responsibility for the anger towards the U.S. in the Middle East. His unconventional beliefs, while standing behind a Conservative base, leads him on a campaign of going rogue.

Bachmann is anti-gay-marriage and feel that marriage should be between a man and woman. And that’s understandable for many. However, she and her husband practices a ministry that rehabilitates gays. They believe gays can be cured. Bachmann’s belief systems place her too far, to the right, for many mainstream Americans.

Gingrich is guilty of being around too long and possibly too tainted for any presidential nomination. From marrying 3 women within 35 years, and committing adultery, to incorrectly using taxpayer subsidies for campaign funding, to name a few. Newt is definitely far too unorthodox for many Conservative supporters. And because Mr. Gingrich has undergone one scandal after another, it has been an arduous task to win the trust of many Americans or should I say for Americans to take him serious.

With all the eccentricity stirring up in the GOP, you would think Americans would  support Barack Obama and purchase his 2012 campaign sticker. But Obama’s supporters, especially Progressive thinkers, feel that he is practicing regressive policies. Change hasn’t been something that he has initiated . As a matter of fact, Barack Obama has not done anything unconventional or extraordinary. After all, his 2008 campaign was ran on the idea that he was the solution to the change that was needed in Washington, DC.  Many liberals,  moderates, Democrats and Progressives may vote for him again in 2012, but if a more appealing candidate surfaces, one that captured collectively women voters, minorities and a significant portion of mainstream America, he will sink in the polls. But fortunately for Obama, the GOP is possibly handing him the election on a silver platter. However, Americans are not feeling compelled to wear  his darn t-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers on their cars.

Written By  Julene Allen-Dell’Amor

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