(ThyBlackMan.com) Anyone who knows me, knows I’m anti-“success,” anti-“industry” and anti-anybody and everybody who’s in the business of selling dreams and…LIES! I get it…I get though…everyone in the world wants to achieve some level of success. No one wants to live broke and destitute. But what really bothers me is that our young people are looking to the wrong examples in an effort to achieve it. I’m convinced that success doesn’t start or stop at Booty-droppin’ or Bottle-poppin’!
That’s exactly why God put all of us here on this Earth – to use our talents to ACHIEVE! Unfortunately, most of us never will. In part, because we’re still trying live up to a slew of misguided standards. There’ll continue to be a world full of wasted talent because society is teaching us something different.
1. I have to be a Celebrity
This seems to be one of the most pervasive lies circulating around about what it means to be successful. And let me tell you, I don’t do well with people who
exploit for the sake of a dollar. When you think of artists who have “fell off” or people who are no longer on the “radar,” maybe it’s because they’ve paved their own way instead of letting the industry define them – people who get it.

2. I need to be Ultra Smart
The feeling that you have to be the next Google mastermind, Twitter phenom or Zuckerberg is discouraging. Most of us won’t come up those kinds of ideas and…THAT’S OKAY! The best thing ever said to me regarding my business ideas was to, “Start from home” – to say, little ideas can flourish too.
3. I need to have an AST, BA, MBA, CPA, PhD, MBChB & other Advanced Degrees
Learning is life long and doesn’t always have to come in the form of an advanced degree. This is a bone of contention between me and one of my coworkers who always beats me over the head with, “V, when you gonna get your Masters?” Non – traditional learning and real world experience qualify.
4. I need to be Ultra Attractive
Everywhere you turn, everyone is or wants to be a model. I’ve even fallen to the syndrome. I’m not trying to knock anyone’s hustle, if that’s truly your purpose, then great. But ladies (and men), your talents shouldn’t rest at this.
5. I need to be Rich
Aaaah, the ‘ole “money begets money” and the “who you know” mentality. Money and who you know may get you in the door but it won’t keep you there. That is all.
6. I have to Compromise Myself and My Values
Why don’t you believe that your brilliant self is enough to sustain you? There’s no future in folding. No virtue in wavering. I think a greater respect is to be had for those individuals who have the courage to stick with the things that they believe.
7. Success = Being Lucky
Uuuum, why are people still equating success with luck? It doesn’t fall from the sky and land in your lap! Someone hit it right on the nose when they said, “People often miss it because it’s disguised as work.”
Let’s start making the education of us sexy.
Staff Writer; Veronica Young
For more Business Tips, and yes Empowering articles check out; Veronica Inspires.
Also follow this sister on Twitter; Veronica Young.
Posting is NOT something I’m accustom to for many reason. BUT I must say I have SO enjoy this sight today! Such a wealth of wisdom, and encouragement here you can help but say something.:) Loves it Veronica, continue ON!