The Conference of National Black Churches Endorses and Joins PHEN’s Father’s Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer…

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( The Conference of National Black Churches (CNBC) will actively support the Prostate Health Education Network’s (PHEN) Father’s Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer to be held on Sunday, June 19, 2011.

CNBC is comprised of the national leadership of nine Black Church denominations that have a combined membership of 30 million people and 50,000 congregations in the United States and the African Diaspora. CNBC provides a unified voice of faith for advocacy efforts in the areas of education, health, social justice and economic empowerment.

Reverend Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, CNBC Board Chairman and Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, NY points out: “Grace Baptist participated in PHEN’s 2010 Father’s Day Rally and this is the type of health education outreach effort that Black Churches throughout our nation should be involved in. Eliminating health disparities in our  communities is a major CNBC focus and we must address the devastating prostate cancer crisis through action.”

PHEN’s Rally takes place within each participating church during regular services on Father’s Day. Prostate cancer survivors, their family members, and the families of those that have been victims of the disease join hands and are recognized with a special prayer of healing.

These public acts of recognition and support are powerful steps forward. Prostate cancer is oftentimes kept silent, stifling the flow of important knowledge which can save lives,” shares PHEN president Thomas A. Farrington, a prostate cancer survivor. “Joining hands in prayer also provides a spiritual uplifting that bonds those that are suffering physically and psychologically, allowing them to learn and address their support needs collectively.”

PHEN also provides each church with educational materials for distribution to its congregation on Father’s Day, and connects each of the participating churches with its online prostate health educational resources. This includes PHEN live monthly webcasts where church members and other viewers can join in and ask questions via email during the program. All of PHEN services are provided at no cost to the churches or their members.

“Working in partnership with CNBC to involve more churches in the Father’s Day rally will dramatically increase prostate cancer knowledge and awareness within Black America which is mandatory to reduce the 150% higher prostate cancer death rate among black men,” says Farrington.

“CNBC will work with PHEN to engage each of the nine denominations that comprise our organization to bring the Father’s Day Rally to churches within our communities all across the country. We will also encourage churches to stay involved with PHEN in its prostate cancer education and advocacy efforts until the uneven toll that this disease is taking on black men is eliminated,” emphasizes Dr. Richardson. He adds, “I know from our experience at Grace Baptist that the PHEN Rally is effective in mobilizing prostate cancer survivors and others to take action against a dreaded disease.”

All churches are invited to join the Father’s Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer. Churches can register to participate on PHEN’s website:

About CNBC:
The CNBC is a non profit 501(c)3 organization with a mission to serve as a unified voice of Black religious bodies that seeks to improve the quality of life for African Americans. CNBC channels its unique voice of faith into advocacy efforts in the areas of economic empowerment, education, health and social justice/public policy. For more info, visit

About PHEN:
PHEN is a non profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 2003 with a primary mission to increase prostate health education and awareness among African American men who have the highest prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates in the United States. PHEN’s mission also includes efforts to increase the overall support and resources in the fight against prostate cancer that will eventually lead to a cure for the benefit of all men. PHEN utilizes a national network of prostate cancer survivors who volunteer to help implement its initiatives within churches and other venues. Website:

Cristina Hernandez-Persia
781-487-2239 ext. 204