5 Great Degrees Choices for African Americans.

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(ThyBlackMan.comWhile the pay gap for African Americans tends to be stronger in some areas, there are a few career choices where the gap is lower. Georgetown University recently conducted a research study where they compiled a list of majors where African Americans are paid roughly the same as their counterparts. In this article, we’re going to explore some of the most beneficial fields for African Americans so you can make the right decision.

Computer Networking and Telecommunications

This field involves everything from network management and implementation, installation and repair of telecommunications, troubleshooting, and more. Also, students in this field will be called to perform maintenance on computer networks, reparation and implement security measures. People who hold degrees in this field usually end up working as computer system administrators, network engineers, and web developers.

Finance and Economics

People who hold a degree in finance may be called to work as financial analysts, financial advisors, and the like. They may also be solicited to work as portfolio managers and consultants. What’s great about this field is that there are tons of online options available and most institutions view a master of financial economics very highly. Ohio University offers a great accredited online MFE program that is recognized across the country.

Medical Technology Technician

Medical technology technicians are usually called to perform a variety of laboratory tests on diseases. Their role is essential in the diagnosis and treatment of pathogens. They are also at the frontline of epidemic control. Job prospects are very good in this sector and African American students are paid just as well as other groups.


Nursing continues to be a major field in America for African Americans for a variety of reason. For one, the demand is huge, more so with the aging population. And, African Americans tend to suffer less wage discrimination in this sector.

Also, the nursing field has expanded greatly over the years and offers much more options than simply working in a clinic or a hospital. Airlines, cruise ships, and oil rigs routinely employ specialized nurses and they tend to receive higher wages than traditional nurses.

General Engineering

General engineering is another sector where African Americans roughly earn the same wage as their counterparts. And the demand in this sector is huge at the moment. Wages are also on the rise because of the shortage of engineers in various sectors. Demand is even higher in specialized fields such as chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, just to name a few. Many engineers also end up working as consultants and more and more independent contractors hire engineering consultants before they finalize a project to make sure it stands up to security standards.

As you can see, there are plenty of great opportunities for African American students. Whether you choose to study medical technology, networking, and telecommunication, or finance, make sure that you choose a reputable institution that will increase your chances of finding a great position in your field of choice.

Staff Writer; Brad Dixon