(ThyBlackMan.com) A few months ago, The Alabama Department Of Education released the names of 75 schools in the state that they personally call “failure factories” that are failing young urban kids, especially in reading and math. Here’s my take on this topic: The one thing that I noticed about these 75 ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The discussion about the importance of homework have been going on for a while and it’s not about to end. I need help with my homework is one of the things you will hear students say. But the big question is, does homework really improve your performance in school? Is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Writing an essay is one of the most important parts of your academics and as you grow higher in your school and high school, you will find that the topics of the essays are becoming tougher every day. The problem with many students is that they are not able to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are so many people facing hurt, anger and grief with no direction. How to manage these hardships is different for everyone, but it is necessary to find a method that is safe and works for you. In black community prayer, and spiritual meditation, have been mainstays. Though some professionals ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This current president coined the term “Fake News” to attack media outlets that were not reporting about his administration in a positive light. Regardless of if their reports were truthful he coined them fake. He implies he could accept criticism if it were truthful verses a lie. The problem with ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It is important for black community to refrain from accepting the labels of others. When we accept negativity and false information it is very easy to turn on each other. It seems that some athletes and entertainers don’t seem to understand that black people are not an exception when it ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) WE all should know the name MARGARET SANGER and of her eugenics NEGRO project , her open proclamations of too many black people and the unfit and how they should be weeded out of the general population. MARGARET SANGER specifically targeted black people in her writings and views , she ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) According to Statista, 73% of the US population had a social media profile in 2015, a figure that grows significantly year on year. The question remains, then: if social media makes us feel so bad, why do we continue to subscribe and take part? Fear of missing out no doubt ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There is a huge problem these days within our community with this thing called respectability politics, that’s harmful and counterproductive to our community as a whole. Intro: Here are several types of respectability politics that currently exists in our community. 1. Colorism – Many people in the “conscious” community often ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Malcolm X was quoted as saying, “The Nation of Islam was the best thing to happen for the Black man; but Niggers ruined it. Tupac was quoted as saying, “NIGGAS is an acronym for Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished. And, Reverend Jesse Jackson, who ran for President in 1984, buried ...