The Importance of Speech Writing in Education.

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( We hear speeches daily. The media constantly broadcasts speeches by politicians, wannabe politicians, and many others.

As we’ve just seen, our latest presidential campaign has left us dizzy from hearing speeches, not only from the presidential hopefuls but from many other in State, County and City elections. Film stars have to make speeches when presented with an award as do many others who come into the public spotlight.

Ministers, evangelists, priests and almost anyone who must stand up before an audience has, at least on occasion, to make a speech.

It is extremely important for the student as a part of the education process, to learn how to compose a speech. Like nearly everything 2016black-student-writing_excfrom a short essay, a movie script or a novel, the vast majority of well-done speeches need to have a form.

While an astute person may learn this through trial and error, listening and paying attention to good speakers, there are many easier and more profitable shortcuts and they are to be found in a speech-writing class.

A student today, you may tomorrow be in a position where it is necessary for you to stand up and make a speech. Public speaking doesn’t come naturally to most of us but it can be learned and once you’re comfortable standing before a group of people, things begin to be a little easier. And once you’ve learned the basics of a compelling speech, you begin to build the confidence to expand your endeavors and soon it becomes quite natural for you to stand before an audience and make an interesting discourse that will hold their attention and gain their admiration.

As mentioned above, a good speech is similar to many other forms of communication. You may start with sometimes with a short bit of humor that should be in some way connected to the speech you’re about to make. An introduction to the theme of the speech would follow. You must realize that in order for your audience to keep up you have to go slowly, speak clearly and slowly and clarify each point before you delve into it. Otherwise, you may lose an audience that doesn’t quite understand what you’re saying.

Then the middle part where you expound on every point you intend to make and finally, in the end, a short recap and as some on TV say, you offer as a final word, the Takeaway from what you have just said.

Many go from writing their own speeches to writing speeches for others. Busy businessmen and women, politicians, and others often have little time to write speeches, and many, despite their success in their field, have no idea how to write or deliver a speech. They hire speech writers and a good speech writer can make a comfortable living in conjunction with other endeavors.

Even heads of state almost invariably employ speech writers to take care of their public appearances. Few have the time to sit down and worry about something like that. The client may tell you roughly what he or she wants to get across, stressing the important points, and you, the speech writer will make it all into an interesting and coherent speech.

But even if you never have to make a speech or write a speech for someone else, the mere fact that you know how to do this, and have learned the extremely important knack of standing comfortably before a group of people without fumbling, stuttering or forgetting why you are there, will make you a much more capable and confident person and all the better for it.

Remember, that with everything in life, the old saying, “Practice makes perfect” holds true. Daily practice can make you a better and more confident speaker. You can practice before a mirror, paying attention to your facial expression as you speak, and you can pay attention to the way you deliver. Remember to slow down so your words not only carry more weight but are easier for your audience to follow.

As you gain confidence, competitions can really bring out the best in you and continue to build your self-confidence and self-image. Keep an eye open for any and every opportunity to stand up and talk. Often church members may be invited to come up and bear their testimony or give an inspirational talk. Don’t hang back. Step right up there. You’ll be helping yourself and you’ll be helping others as well.

Far too many of us walk through life beneath a dark cloud of a poor self-image. We have to fight against that. We’re all brothers and sisters, every one, and we must never forget that. If we don’t take care of each other, who will?

Staff Writer; Karl Jacobs