America Need More BMW’ing.

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( “So our people not only have to be reeducated to the importance of supporting black business, but the black man himself has to be made aware of the importance of going into business.” Malcolm X

Mayor Alvin Brown of Jacksonville, Florida has announced that several businesses are moving to Jacksonville, expanding their business presence or building new facilities providing an economic infusion of investments, tax dollars and new employment opportunities.

These economic prospects will provide a much needed economic boost to support a struggling economy here in Jacksonville with similar cases across this nation by other Mayors.

The announcement of military personnel and their families moving to cities provides an economic stimulus as boats, planes, subs, helicopters, tanks and supporting facilities make their new homes in new cities. As the military reorganizes their deployments to address conflicts around the world, deployments and re-deployments make an economic influence to the local communities.

Cities must be sure to share its economic elevation and employment opportunities across cultural and educational areas, no one should be denied the chance to support their families.

There should be an investment to vital pieces of the economic puzzle that allows for employment and economic stability, expansion and growth across all parts of cities that are struggling.blackmenrecession-2014

“Once you can create some employment in the community where you live it will eliminate the necessity of you and me having to act ignorantly and disgracefully, boycotting and picketing some practice someplace else trying to beg him for a job.” Malcolm X When looking at the unemployment rates the Bureau of Labor statistics shows changes in econom) ( and even looking at the percentage of Blacks by zip code it shows that Blacks are an important part of the economic stability of this nation and the cities they live in (

This is why cities need to make sure there are equitable job opportunities to employ and keep employed BMWing. If you have not figured out what BMWing is “Black Men Working.”

Mayors of cities, the City Councils , Chamber of Commerce and the school districts of our nation need to realize that in order for this nation to continue to be an economic powerhouse and international influencer in commerce they must involve Black business women, men, entrepreneurs, and provide equitable/equal employment chances. Military might and conflict cannot influence economic stability and growth. Mentorship is a vital piece of the economic equation, so businesses have to partner with schools and provide mentors and role models to visit schools; how can you encourage students to enter in careers of business, science, technology, mathematics, commerce and economics if they cannot see actual people in these positions especially Black youth and teens.

The biggest investment is in the holistic education of children from early education until high school graduation. Education does not stop at graduation; it is a continuous process of learning, discovery, engagement and progress. Investment needs to be provided equally to all parts of a
city and communities, so all citizens can share in and prosper in economic growth.

“A large part of crime is economics – if people are working and have a home and family to support, then I believe you can reduce the crime rate.” Vincent Frank

BMWing – Black Men Working contribute to all cities economy, foundational tax base and providing taxes for city services like education and law enforcement. Black communities, Black children, Black churches, Black families all deserve Black Men Working or BMWing. They are good role models for Black youth and teens, male and female.

A Black man working brings money into their homes, they bring economic stability and growth to their communities. That money circulates and becomes stronger because it allows Black families to enjoy prosperity and an infusion of economic hope. BMWing do not stay in their homes they circulate in their communities, visiting families and friends, spending monies to buy gas, snacks, food, and provide monies to their children to also circulate in the community.

When there are less and less BMWing there is less infusion of cash and diminishing prosperity. This diminishing prosperity also affects the hope of people. Stealing hope from families that may already be struggling in poverty and lacking economic stability and education. BMWing
encourages educational success, because it is seen that the more education you obtain the better career you can achieve and not just a job (Just Over Broke).

There is no question that Black families influence community growth, the more BMWing the greater economic prosperity. Stable and economically viable Black families influence community growth and prosperity, this opens doors for investment opportunities.

There is value of Black youth, teens and young people especially
Black men to take care of their families through employment and education.

An important piece of employment is education, as the economy grows education should benefit with schools being provided resources that encourage student learning, student achievement and student graduation.
Simplistically the more educated a population is the stronger the workforce is created; less criminal activity, lower poverty rates, decreasing homelessness for families.

Seldom used term BMWing is a strong reminder that the correlation between economic stability is not a new issue, but an ongoing issue that is influenced by educational attainment and economic opportunities. All things work together for the betterment of families through educational and economic potentials. This blog is not just for Jacksonville, Florida where I’m a BMW, teaching over 20 years in elementary and higher education.

This blog is about this nation. America needs more BMWing, they reinforce their communities, churches, schools and teach youth the value and empowerment of honest employment and the value of education. BMWing provides hope and hope decreases fear, elimination of fear erodes self-doubt. Cities in order to stop fearing Black youth and teens must provide economic opportunities that open hope in Black communities. BMWing is one way to stabilize communities and increase the hope of all communities in the cities of this nation.

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” United Negro College Fund.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.