Political Bullying Must Cease.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The word bullying is a verb which is defined as “using superior strength or influence to intimidate (an individual or group), typically to force him or her or them to do what someone else wants.” This definition succinctly describes the sad state of our current political discourse. Bullying takes place every single day in the U.S. House of Representatives. It happens every single day in the U.S. Senate. It takes place constantly in the media. As a direct result of those three facts, bullying spreads like a virus within our towns, our counties, our states. Political bullying is a social disease; and it must cease.

For the next 8-10 minutes (or however long it takes you to read this Op-Ed piece), please do me a small favor: temporarily suspend your political affiliation. Don’t be literal. Don’t be partisan. Hear me out strictly from a logical standpoint. Consider what I’m saying from a common sense perspective.

In a democracy system, everyone’s voice matters. Everyone’s participation and consideration is needed in order for solutions to be applied towards problems adversely affecting our citizenry. The power – the true power – lies with the people. Those entrusted with being representatives for the people are supposed to listen to those people. Those constituents are the bosses of elected leaders. If those leaders are Politics2014unable or unwilling to govern for the greatest good of the people, they are voted out – replaced by leaders who will listen to the will of the people. This is what the Founding Fathers intended for the Constitution to represent: government of the people… by the people… for the people. Nothing created by man can ever be perfect. Our system of government has worked pretty well; that is, when the U.S. Constitution’s tapestry is honored and adhered to.

The Constitution today is treated with the respect one would expect of the newspaper lining your pet’s potty tray. It’s a weapon any political pundit, candidate, officeholder, or rabble-rouser can use to impose his/her will on others. Whether that person is right or wrong is beside the point. Whether that person is acting on behalf of the people or himself/herself is lost in the shuffle. Whether that person actually believes what he/she is actually saying or is merely proclaiming the party line for the purpose of self-preservation is largely ignored. Somewhere along the way, far too many of our Congressmen and Senators began pledging allegiance to campaign contributors, lobbyists, PACs, Super-PACs, and purity tests instead of pledging allegiance to the American flag. Meanwhile, their constituents are increasingly ignored, marginalized, and flat-out disrespected.

Different day, different issue… same bullying tactics.

Any politician who comes to your town hall meeting and refuses to meaningfully address you and your concerns is a bully. Any politician who treats a phone call, a letter, or an email from his/her constituent as a hindrance is a bully – and therefore unworthy of the office held. Billionaires and millionaires have managed to somehow pit the upper class, middle class, and the working poor against each other in America. Certain affluent individuals do this so that they can make even bigger profits while America’s collective sense of unity goes the way of the dodo bird. They then use their wealth and power to influence legislation, political campaigns, and primary challenges nationwide. These are the most egregious examples of political bullying. Imagine some zillionaire who lives 2000 miles from your state writing blank checks to elect who he thinks your leaders should be just because he can. How would you feel about that scenario? Think fast; because it’s already happening. The Koch brothers are for real.

For our system of democracy to work, our leaders must communicate, compromise, and govern together. Name-calling, finger-pointing, false narratives, rank-and-file talking points, repetitive subcommittee hearings held solely for show, and fear tactics don’t move America forward. They scare people. They steal hope. They foster resentment.

Solutions to problems begin with a conversation.

If you’re a Republican, don’t you want the Republican Party to be the best it can be? If you’re a Democrat, don’t you want the Democratic Party to be at its best? If you’re Independent, don’t you long for consensus between the two major parties? If not, you should.

It’s a travesty for the same people who talk about bullying and cyberbullying in our schools to engage in precisely the same behavior in politics. The children are watching.

There’s a vast difference between those fighting the good fight and those who are fighting as a profession. In the Senate and in the House, we need more peacemakers instead of more peace takers. In the media, we need real coverage of the political issues of our time which are truly fair and balanced. America sorely needs more beacons of light, not more political bullies.

Staff Writer; Arthur L. Jones, III

This talented brother is a local Minister, weekly featured Democratic Op-Ed columnist, non-profit advisor, and sees the Braves winning it all this fall. Rev. Jones welcomes your comments! Please email him directly at: tcdppress@gmail.com.