(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s that time of year again. The kiddies will be starting back to school soon and parents will be searching for the best deals on binders, lunch boxes, and pencils. To help you save money, and keep your sanity while shopping this year, include your children in the decision ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So it’s time for you to sit down and have a face-to-face chat with your teenage son. Actually, there might be a better option. The public service announcements on television make it sound like the best approach is to just start a conversation about drugs or alcohol at the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A new survey at YourBlackWorld.com reveals that black men and women have different perceptions on what it takes to turn a boy into a man.  The survey finds that while most black men do not believe that a woman can raise a boy to be a man without male intervention, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Although family vacations take place throughout the summer, we’re just entering the weeks that seem most common for an extended family getaway. Kids’ summer activities and sports schedules typically take a break for a few weeks, and a new school year is on the horizon. If you’re approaching your ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) 700 U.S. cities will participate in the 8th Annual Million Father March… An army of one million American men will take to the streets this year in one of the most important battles that America has ever fought.  And that is the battle for the hearts, minds and spirits ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, results were released from a new survey which polled more than 1,200 married moms about their parenting habits, focusing especially on how they share responsibilities with their spouses. The headline was an attention-grabber: “… Working and Stay-at-Home Mothers Feel Like ‘Married Single Moms.'” Only about 1 in 4 moms ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It used to be that when it came to meal planning, parents considered questions like what’s in the pantry? What will my kids like and what do I have time to make? Perhaps what’s going bad in the produce drawer factored in? Then, along the way, peanut allergies and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I spend a lot of time around children, but am happy not having any. From the “I brought you here, I’ll take you out” school, a capital offense would contradict my Christian praxis. Who was it that said, “Contradictions can only be minimized”?  Whoever, it wasn’t Jesus; so I’m ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The sun shone brightly through the windows as my kids played together all throughout our home.  As I walked into the living room, I noticed the front door had been left open, presumably by one of the kids. With a tinge of frustration I walked over to the door ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) How would this term apply to the use of Social Media by Fathers. Men are accountable in the creation of their digital footprints that their children and the world will see. Technology allows us to “digitally speak” our minds, share our hearts, express our spirituality, our Manhood, even our ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s nothing in this world that’s better than loving and being loved, especially as we get older and retire. Here are a few ways to rekindle that spark that existed between you and your wife before a busy life began to get in your way… 1. Make believe this is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Turn off the autopilot and start feeding your marriage… Everyone worries too much about bills, getting the kids off to school, and  why the dog keeps peeing on the carpet. It’s time to light that fire again and remind her of all the reasons why she married you to ...